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Besides the slight headache im now nursing arrival at our airbnb went exceptionally smooth. Auggie navigated that streets while i gave him all the wrong instructions. However his slightly annoyed tone and my misguidance has nothing to do with my headache. "All im saying is next time we travel you might want to find somewhere with easier streets."

I nod at him with a smile. He's referring to the many, many, many times when i couldn't tell what street we were supposed to turn on or when the map was facing through the wrong way and i made us turn the wrong way.

Technically that last part wasn't my fault but-


Did he say next time we travel? As in we'll travel together again? My smile grows bigger as i watch him bring in the bags. He, of course didn't let me help. I dont know what beef he has with me doing "heavy lifting" but again I can't complain. I do very much enjoy watching his muscles flex as he picks up heavy things.

"So, what do you have in store for us today my love?" I jump as he calls my name. "What did you say?" He smirks at me before repeating what he asked. "Um- nothing. I have the rest of today and most of tomorrow free." He nods at me before taking the last bag up the stairs.

"Where are your clothes? Why are you practically naked?" He watches me from his place in the kitchen with a slight smile. "I was feeling a little hot so i took off my shirt. I think that hardly qualifies as being naked." I slightly roll my eyes before walking to the thermometer. "If you're so hot then i can turn on the air but you will put a shirt on."

He smirks at me before walking over and pulling me into his body. "Why? Am i distracting you from whatever it is you're doing?" I take a minute to calm myself down and get the tint to leave my cheeks. "Yes. You are very distracting."

He smiles before going back up the stairs and this time he comes back with a shirt.

"So I wanted to tell you- Why!?" He looks at me with raised brows and a small smirk that he's very much so trying to hide. "Auggie! Where are your pants!?" He laughs for a second before coughing up and covering up his smile. "You asked that i put on a shirt so i did. What is the problem now?"

I let out a breath while running my hands down my face. "There is something seriously wrong with you." He shakes his head and says, "i dont know what you're talking about."

I sigh before leaning back into the couch. "You dont even walk around in our house with no pants on so why now?" He shrugs before sitting next to me but i push him away. "No. You will not sit next to me half naked."

He scoffs before letting out a small chuckle. "So you can't function when i have no shirt on but I'm expected to be fine when im staring at your hips and hard as a rock nipples? Double standard indeed." I quickly look down at my body and see that not only did my body suit ride up so you can in fact see my hips but my nipples are hard.

"My nipples and hips have nothing to do with this." He shakes his head at me before leaning down to my ear. "No dear. They in fact have everything to do with this but i am happy to know that i can get you just as hot and bothered as you get me." And there goes my cheeks. As red as hello kitty's bow.

"You can't just say things like that." His lips stretch into a small smirk before he saying, "You were saying something earlier what was it?" My brows come together and i pout a little as i try and remember. "I can't actually help you remember because all you said was you wanted to tell me then you trailed off."

I softly clap as i realize what he's talking about. "I was saying i wanted to tell you i dont actually have all the days planned out. I just have stuff to do while we're here. Im fully aware that we'll be spending most of our days in this house." He nods his head before getting closer but i softly push him away.

"i was being serious when i said that you wont sit next to me naked." Auggie gives me a look before sitting back. "Is it that much of a bother? You really can't sit next to me when i have no pants on?" i shake my head.

I really can't. I honestly dont know why. I could understand he had no shirt but pants? And trust me, im fully aware that he has to sit next to me when i barely have clothes on all the time i guess he's just better at controlling himself than me.

When the time comes for us to unpack, which was only three minutes after our conversation, i silently began to cry. I really wasn't looking forward to this. Specially not while thinking about the fact that i have to get this stuff plus more back in the suitcase in two weeks.

"I can't believe you still wont let me see. I dont understand why i have a shirt over my eyes right now." I laugh while speeding up my hanging process. "It wouldn't make sense for me to show you right now. My clothing is a surprise." I can physically hear him roll his eyes as he scoffs.

I hear him mutter, "Im still upset about it." and i laugh again. "Yes. I can see that."

When im done unpacking i untie the shirt from his eyes before laying down on the bed. "What are we doing?" I look over at him with pursed lips. Didn't he already ask me this? I swear he has the memory of a goldfish.

"Nothing today augs. Just relaxing until we get hungry i guess." He cocks his head at me. "Are you not hungry yet? You barely ate today." I slightly shrug while readjusting my body to a more comfy position. "Uh i could use a snack but other than that im alright." He nods at me before joining me on the bed.

He lays right in front of me and simply stares at me. And i simply stare back. He's so pretty. From his slightly shaggy black hair to his stone cold copper colored eyes, down to his plump, slightly wet lips. So so pretty. From his looks to his voice to the way his brain works.

"What are you thinking about?" His soft smile warms my heart and I can't help but smile back. "I was thinking about how pretty you are." His smile slightly fades before he's looking away from me but his red ears tell me everything i need to know. "Im not pretty....but you are. Very pretty."

My smile grows and it's now my turn to look away. How he manages to make me blush so easily is beyond me but i suppose its due to my ever growing crush.

"I was thinking...." He trails off before looking off and then back at me. "About your hunger thing." I wouldn't necessarily call it a 'hunger thing' but okay. "What about it?" He doesn't say anything for a couple seconds but i can see his reservation.

He seems like he doesn't want to say it. Whatever it is. "I was thinking about you and French food....and how you might not like everything we eat." My brows come together as my confusion grows. Why wouldn't i like it? It seems so delicious.

"Im mostly thinking about the snail and frog portion i guess. There will most likely be things you like-" i quickly cut him off and he freezes.

"Snails?!" I almost gag before remembering he said something else. "Frogs?! Why would you want to eat frogs?" He smiles at me and i can tell that he's enjoying my disgust. "And that is the reaction i was expecting. Now we dont have to eat any of that but there will probably be a lot of things you dont like eating."

For some reason I didn't think about the fact that French people eat a lot of gross foods. I was mostly thinking about the pretty desserts.

"Well hopefully we find something we both like." He nods at me before flipping over onto his stomach. "You sleepy?" He nods while getting comfy and a small smile graces my face. He could've just slept on the plane with me. Im not sure why he didn't but what i do know is he looks cold and uncomfy.

I slowly get up and move the covers back before tapping his side. "Get up and change real quick." He shakes his head. "And why not?"

He turns his head back toward me before saying, "You're gonna try and get in with me and then we'll sleep through the whole day. I just want to take a short nap." It's my turn to shake my head now. "No we wont. We'll just take a short nap." He gives me a look before softly chuckling and saying okay.

Once we both get changed and back into bed he smiles at me one last time before finally drifting off. I take a last look around the room before getting closer to him and drifting off as well.

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