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"All I'm saying is that Ferb is a victim. Phineas had this man up at the booty crack of dawn building impossible things, sometimes even going into space and for what? So they didn't have a lame summer? And can I just add that we rarely see Phineas actually building things!"

I nod my head as she continues. "He's always reading blueprints or talking to someone while Ferb is building! And he would have you believe that Ferb is having fun like when he names things after Ferb but no! Ferb is not having fun!"

Again, I simply nod my head as she continues with her rant.

"And what about him rarely talking? What if Ferb wants to talk but can't? Every time he does here comes Phineas saying 'oh wow. You're being chatty' and then Ferb stops talking. Like what?! Ferb is a victim!" She stops with a huff and I finally think she's done but I was wrong.

"And can I just say that in the first episode Phineas is so quick to call this man his step brother? Like why do you need to make that known? We don't care. And in the second episode! He had Ferb helping him cheat in the race! Phineas can't even drive!"

I watch her with slightly wide eyes as she keeps going. She's been ranting about this for about twenty minutes now. I'm not even sure how it started but she just keeps going. I don't know much about the show but I'm starting to see why she scowls every time we pass it on a website.

"So all I'm saying is Ferb needs helps and I'm glad they are going to separate colleges so he can get away from Phineas." I nod my head. "Yes. It's a good thing they are separating." I don't think the writers of the show would ever know peace if they went to the same place.

She nods as if finalizing her point before turning back to the tv. "Oh....it's over." I look back at the tv while scratching my neck. Yes. Whatever we were watching ended about fifteen minutes ago.

"Well what do you want to watch now?" She shrugs. "I'm getting kinda hungry now so do you want to go for lunch?" I nod my head while untangling myself from her. Well....more like untangling her from me.

Bella's POV

I watch as he moves toward the closet before leaving the room. Since its our last day i don't really have that much to choose from but I still look around for a few minutes before deciding on a black crop top, a strange colored tulle skirt that reaches my calves, and some plain black heels.

I choose to straighten my hair again since Auggie seemed to like it before putting lip gloss and mascara on and meeting him in the hall

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I choose to straighten my hair again since Auggie seemed to like it before putting lip gloss and mascara on and meeting him in the hall. "You look gorgeous but you always make me feel underdressed." I laugh at that while taking his hand.

"You already know this is how i dress and i already told you that you don't have to match my level of fancy." He nods his head in a mocking way. "I know. You tell me all the time but its even worse in Paris."

"Well lucky for you this is our last day, huh?" He playfully rolls his eyes as we enter the car.

"Where are we even going?" I give him a glance before looking out the window. Where are we going? "We could always go to that cafe!" He nods his head. "But that's within walking distance. Should we just walk?"

I shrug. "I don't mind either way."

So we decide to walk.

When we get there he finds us a place to sit after telling me what he wants and I walk to the counter.

After getting our food I walk it back to our table and sit down with a smile. "She gave me cake!" He gives me a look. "You know you have to eat all your food before you eat that, don't you?" I nod my head with my same smile and he nods back while picking up his sandwich.
"Baby, I know its almost dinner time but I'm still good from lunch. So just let me know if you get hungry again, alright?" I nod my head while looking out the window.

Since its dark the Eiffel Tower is all lit up and it looks so pretty. I will miss this view but we have plenty of pictures to look at.

"There's one thing we still have to do." My head snaps over to auggie and I look at him with nothing but confusion. "What is there left to do?" He smiles at me while getting up and holding out his hand.

"Arabella Quinn. Will you dance with me?"

My moth slowly raises into a smile and I quickly place my hand into his and let him pull me up. I place my hands around his neck and he places his on my waist as we begin to sway. "There's no music."

He softly shakes his head while looking down at me.

"We don't need music."

I place my head on his shoulder and as we glide along the floor I look around. The lights dimmed so that the tower was our main source of light and the sound of the city as our music. This moment right here is all I've wanted.

To dance to no music in the middle of the floor with the person I love who loves me just as much is what little Arabella always dreamed of. She would cry if I told her we got our moment.

As we slowly come to a stop a single tear makes its way down my cheek and I let out a small laugh. Apparently big Arabella would cry too. "Are you okay?" I nod my head with a smile as he wipes that single tear.

"Yes, I'm okay. You're just everything to me." He smiles before leaning down and kissing me and I kiss back i can't help the other tears that leave my eyes.

He's everything to me.
"I don't want to."

I hear a playful scoff. "You're the one who said 'Oh no. I'll be fine staying up late even though our flight is at five in the morning' and I specifically told you that meant we had to be up at two but did you want to sleep yet? No." I pout as he relays the previous night's conversation.

"And then when I told you what time I was setting the alarm for you said and I quote, 'Don't let me snooze that' So I'm not letting you snooze." I groan. Curse him for listening to me.

"You're a bad boyfriend."

"Oh I know baby. Now get up and get dressed." I pout as I watch him move our bags out of the room. So mean.

But I still get up and begin to put my very fashionable airport outfit on. A crop top, some shorts, one of Auggie's zip ups, and my platform crocs. When I finally drag myself downstairs to where Auggie is I make sure to groan right next to him.

"You are a big baby. I told you so many times to just go to sleep." I mock him by repeating what he said in a weird voice. "Yea yea yea. Lets just go before i go back upstairs and go to sleep." He laughs at me while grabbing two of our bags and i grab the other two after slinging his book bag on.

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