Big flirt

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When he pulls into the store he looks over at me. "Why exactly are we here again?" I sigh. I've told him like 5 times why we're here. "Auggie, this is the 30th and last time I'm going to tell you. We are here because we haven't decorated the house at all." He puts his finger up to interrupt but I stop him. "Putting a fuzzy rug under the stools at the island doesn't count!" He just shakes his head and gets out. I follow him and wait for him to lock the doors and grab a cart.

When we get in I immediately grab onto his arm. I wrap my arms around it and continue to walk. I feel him looking down at me so I look up. He catches my eye and smiles. I smile back and look forward. "Auggie, do you wanna split up?" He stops walking.

"Why would I wanna do that?" I let go and turn to him. "Well I just thought that if we split up and look for stuff for our rooms then we could get done faster" I shrug at the end. "But you're right. That's dumb" He gives me a confused look. "If you wanna split up and do this then we can. I just know that I'm not going to need much" I simply say okay and that I'll text him when I'm done or he can text me. We go our separate ways but he heads back to the front to grab a basket. He gave me the cart because quote on quote "I would get more stuff than him" I don't believe that but who am I to argue in public. We'll just talk about it when we get home.
After picking up multiple things for my room I walked to the plant section. There's absolutely no reason for me to not have more plants. I grab a couple more cacti and then I grab a panda plant. Since this one isn't a cactus maybe we can have it in the living room or kitchen. If not he can just stay with me in my room. Since I finished up quicker than I thought I would I head to the food section. I don't want him to feel rushed and we need more food.

I picked up some drinks- water and orange juice for auggie- a couple bags of chips, mangos, strawberries, stuff to make tacos, spaghetti stuff, random things for meals, almond milk- the vanilla kind because auggie won't drink the regular kind- a couple boxes of cereal, some eggs and bacon, bread, sour skittles- auggie's favorite- different kinds of vegetables because August thinks I'm trying to fatten him up, and a few more things to snack on. When I'm passing by the juice I feel my phone vibrate. I pull it out and see that August is done and wants to meet by the candy aisle.

When I get there I see him putting something in the cart. I walk up beside him and smile. "Watcha gettin?" He snaps his neck toward me and lets out a breath of relief. I give him a confused look but he closes his eyes. "What's wrong?"

I feel my blood start boil and have to try hard to calm down when he opens his mouth next. "I thought you were that girl" I take a deep breath and remind myself that I have no reason to be upset. "What girl?" Again I feel my face get hot and all I wanna do is leave. "There's this girl that keeps coming up to me. Even though every time she did I said nothing she kept talking and coming back" Everyone wants this man. It's like this every where we go. If guys aren't flirting with me then girls are flirting with him. Sometimes they flirt with both of us! Only time we get peace is at the house. Even old people won't leave us alone. They can't wait until we get married and have children. I shrug and say 'follow me' while walking to checkout.
As we're getting everything rung up I see someone walking up to the bagger. She doesn't say anything. Just stares. I glance up at her and I can only assume this is the girl who kept following him. If it wasn't the way she was just standing it would be the fact that she is burning holes into his head. After a couple more bags I get annoyed. "Hello?" She snaps her head down to me and gives me a disgusted look. She's rather tall. "Uh hi." She immediately goes back to staring at him and I let my jaw drop just a little bit. After everything is rung up, me and auggie split the cost and I start to push my cart towards the door. However he gets stopped by the girl walking in front of him. I hear him sigh and I giggle. He looks over at me and smirks. "Is something fucking funny?" I snap my head towards her while my eyes widen. She gives me a 'what' look and turns back to him. I hear her gasp so I look over at him and see steam coming out of his ears.

"Auggie...." He looks over at me and I flinch. His features immediately soften and he mouths sorry. For some reason I feel tears prick my eyes and I know he sees them because he looks back at the girl and speaks in a low, demanding voice "get out of my way." She quickly scurries away and he moves his body beside mine and pulls me into his chest. "I'm sorry Bella" I nod into his chest and squeeze him before pulling away.

"Let's go home"
When we get everything put away at the house I start putting all of my decorations up. I quickly finish that up and then start finding places for my cacti.

After that's done I take a step back and admire it. My windowsill looks amazing. Out of the corner of my eye I see the panda plant. I have yet to ask him about that and now is as good as ever. I sat the plant down by his door and walked in. "Hey auggie, can I talk to you?" He looks up at me says 'sure' so I start talking.

"So earlier when we were at the store I got some new cacti" His face drops into one of slight annoyance. "I-uh....nevermind" He simply stares at me as I walk out. I quickly scoop up the plant and walk into my room. I sit it down on my dresser and grab a towel.

When I get out of the shower I walk to my dresser and pull out the black crop top and dirty pink shorts set. I quickly find some bright blue underwear and pull them on before pulling my clothes on. I walk down to the kitchen and start looking through everything. We just had pasta last night so we can't have it again tonight and I don't feel like making it again so I get out all the things I need to make tacos. As I'm cutting up the green peppers and onions I hear auggie coming down the steps. I toss the peppers into the meat and continue chopping the onions. I see him sit down at the island and cross his arms on the counter. I finish cutting the onions and put them in the pot as well. I grab some spices and sprinkle them in and then stir it. I sprinkle a bit more in and stir it again before letting it cook for a bit.

I walk to the fridge and pour myself a glass of fruit juice. "Are you upset with me?" I look up at him and furrow my brows. Why would I be upset? I shake my head no and turn around to stir the food. "Are you sure?" I put the spoon down and walk to the counter. "I have nothing to be upset about auggie" He gives me a disappointed look and I give him a somewhat shocked one. Why does he now look upset? "August. I'm not upset. Tired but not upset" He gives me a skeptical nod before waking away. I let out a breath and turned back around to the pot. Suddenly I'm not so hungry.

I quickly finish up dinner and tell him it's done before walking upstairs. Before I can make it into my room I hear running footsteps. I look back and see him right behind me. "You're not eating with me?" I shake my head.

"I'm not really hungry" This time he shakes his head. "You haven't eaten today Arabella. You need to eat" Oh. I guess I haven't. I wonder why I'm not hungry. I shrug him off before saying no and going into my room. When I hear him sigh and walk away I grab a couple fuzzy blankets and go to one of the guest rooms. For some reason my mind wants to be far away from him. Nothing has even happened. He's been nothing but nice to me today but I simply can't be around him right now.

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