Floral black

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Short chapter but you'll understand why ;))

I'm woken up by a call and I can assume it's one of two people. "Answer that please. This may be the first time you're hearing it but it's not the first call." I toss him a sheepish glance before picking my phone up and answering the call.

"Hello mom." Like i said, one of two people. She talks about how Isabel enjoyed coming over and how she can't wait to do it again and hopefully become closer to me and auggie but I kind of tune her out.

"Augs," I whisper but it probably doesn't matter because she won't hear me over her ranting. He hums in response. When he looks up at me I pout and gesture to my phone. His face is blank for a couple seconds before he seems to realize and grabs my phone.

He quickly turns it off, hanging up and tosses it back to me. "Problem solved." I sigh before picking my phone up and texting her that I "don't know what happened" and "the call just dropped for some reason."

"I'm gonna go shower and then get a snack." He nods at me while rolling over. Hmm. Usually when I get up so does he. He must be really tired.
By the time I'm out of the shower and changed auggie is up and walking around. "I thought you were gonna sleep some more?" His head snaps to me. "Why did you think that?"

I shrug while saying, "You just rolled over when I got out of bed. Usually you hop out when I do." He nods. "I thought about sleeping some more but decided not to. You would be too lonely."

I squint at him. "You'd be the one lonely." I begin to mock his deep voice. "Where did you go? Why aren't you in bed anymore? You usually wake me up if I'm still sleeping." He gives me a blank look.

"Strike number two." I tilt my head. "You should be on number three but I'm trying to help you out. Keep it up." My confusion doesn't leave as he turns around and walks away.

What does he mean strikes and what happens when I get to three? I didn't even know we had a strike system in place. What did I do to reach two? Or three I guess....

I shake it off as he's probably going to use the opportunity to deny me cuddles or something.

When I finally walk into the kitchen to get a snack I remember that I have something to show auggie.

"Auggie! What do you think about this?" When I enter the hallway I quickly lift up the large shirt I have on to show him a black floral one piece. One of the items I got at the mall a few days ago.

"What is this! Why why why! Are you doing this to me?" I pout

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"What is this! Why why why! Are you doing this to me?" I pout.

"You don't like it?" I slowly move my shirt back down. He takes a deep breath while pinching his nose. "Love, I can literally think of a million reasons as to why you're completely wrong about my reaction. One of which is about a foot down."

I tilt my head in confusion not really understanding what he meant but before I can question it he says, "Can you please not lift your shirt up anymore today?" I slowly nod at him while walking back into the kitchen.

If he didn't like it he could just say that.

I decide on just making almond butter toast but as I'm spreading it a glob lands on my shirt. I pout a little before walking upstairs and pulling on shorts.

I choose to just stay in the one piece and shorts with no shirt despite auggie. If he really doesn't like it that much then he can just look away because I love it and here is the only place I'll get to wear it.

As I'm rounding the corner to go back in the kitchen auggie calls for me and I freeze. "Bella," Its in such a low tone that a shiver runs up my whole spine. I don't think I've ever heard him speak this low.

I take a large breath in to kind of hype myself up before turning to him. His eyelids are low and he's looking at me like I'm prey. "Strike three."

My jaw drops and I stomp. "I know you don't like it but I do." His head cocks to the right. "Are we trying to go for strike four?" My mouth clamps shut but it opens again. "Strikes for what?!" I let out a short laugh. "No body warmth? I don't care!"

When his brows raise one at a time before the left one drops I know I'm in trouble. "Who said anything about cuddling? Go upstairs. My room. No more words." My mouth shuts again and the look on his face has me scurrying upstairs.

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