"To go?"

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After about 25 minutes it comes out and I can feel my mouth watering as she sits it down. I simply stare it. "Why don't you just eat it bella?" I look up at him sticking his fork in his mouth and quickly remember that this food is right in front of me and not in a picture on instagram. I pick up some of the lobster and take a bite. Oh good lord. This is delicious. I pick up another bite and hold it in front of auggie's mouth. "You have to try this it's so good" He looks passed the fork and at my face. I pout at him and ask him to try it. He sighs and wraps his lips around my fork while still looking at me.

Wow. Who knew that eating food could be so sexy? I try not to let my mouth hang open and quickly bring my fork back to my plate. I look down at my food and try and hide my face when I hear him speak. "That is delicious" I look up and smile and he smiles back.

I go to cut my steak when I see something come into my line of vision. I look up and see a piece of shrimp in front of my face. I quickly clamp my mouth down on it and close my eyes. I softly moan at the taste. Why is everything here so good? I quickly remember that it's his fork in my mouth and let go. I give him a sheepish look but he simply smirks at me.
We were both finishing up when a waitress walked passed our table with a plate of stuffed mushrooms and scallops. I turned my nose up and smelled the air. Everything here not only is delicious but it smells delicious too. I open my eyes back up and look at August. He's already looking at me though. I smile at him and flag down our waitress, Jessica. I start to ask for the bill but August quickly stops me. "Can we have an order of scallops and stuffed mushrooms to go?" Jessica smiles and nods at him before walking away.

"What are you doing? We already ate" He nods at me. "I know you're going to be hungry later and I know that you're going to be craving stuffed mushrooms" I smile at him and put my hand over my heart. He knows me so well. He laughs at me when I do that and I join in.
About 20 minutes later our to-go order is brought out and we split the bill. We grab our few items and leave the building. I ask if auggie wants to drive and he says sure. I toss him the keys and get in the passenger side.

"When we get home you need to get ready for your doctor" I hear him groan. "I will be in my room when you get done with everything." He just groans again and I giggle.
When we get home I put the food in the oven and make sure it's off. I walk back out and see him sitting on the couch. I make my way up the stairs but before I can get too far in my room I turn and yell.

"Don't forget the list your therapist told you to make!"

Once again he just groans but I hear him run up the stairs. I get into my room and change into the pink lace set.

I tie the bow around my waist and lay down in my bed with my laptop

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I tie the bow around my waist and lay down in my bed with my laptop. I quickly pull up a movie and snuggle into my covers.
Around 4:50 his doctor rings the bell. I run to the top of the stairs and listen. I hear the doctor ask where I am. "Oh, she's upstairs. She didn't want to disturb us" When I hear them get settled I go back into my room.

After another 20 minutes the doctor takes his leave. I pause my movie when I hear him coming up the stairs. Then I hear the doorbell and giggle. I know he heard me because he yells up the stairs. "Oh don't you worry Arabella Quinn! I'll be up there soon!" I get excited and then immediately try and calm down. Why am I excited?

It's just auggie.
Another hour goes by before I hear the front door closing again. It's now 6:30 and nothing else is happening today. I quickly run downstairs and see him leaning on the door. "Was it a hard session?" He quickly turns around and looks at me. His eyes go down my body and I look down. I forgot what I was wearing. I move to pull my hands around my body but remember that he doesn't like it when I cover up. I instead choose to pull them behind my back. I walk closer to him but stop when he starts speaking. "This is cute. Were you supposed to show me this one yesterday?" Heat rises to my cheeks as I remember yesterday's events. I nod my head at him and slowly spin.

"Do you like it?"

I hear him suck in a sharp breath and I turn the rest of the way to see his face. His eyes are still roaming my body but when I stop moving so do they. He takes two very large steps to me. Although to him they were probably regular sized steps. "I like," He pauses and pulls on one of the bow strings until it comes undone. "This" I watch as he takes the two sides and pulls them tightly across my stomach. I gasp and feel him loosen them just a little. Then I watch as his large hands tie it back into a bow. I whisper, "thank you" as he takes a step back. He nods at me and goes to the kitchen. "Come ere" I walk behind him all the way up until he picks me up.

I quickly bring my hands to his shoulders to steady myself and he just as quickly sits me on the counter. I wince as my reflexes kick in and I wrap my legs around his torso and slam him into the counter but he doesn't show any pain. "Jeez Arabella, that kinda hurt" I look down.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. It was honestly just my reflexe-" He stops me by saying that it's fine and leans against the opposite counter. I give him a sheepish look. Not because I accidentally kicked him or because he's staring me down and all I can think about is his bed but because I'm kind of hungry and he called it. He knew I would be hungry but I don't want to tell him. "Arabella, What is it?" I look up at him surprised.

"H-how did you....how did?" His laughter cause my cheeks to go red. When he calmed down he began to speak, "You get this thinking look on your face but it's different from you're actual thinking face" I cock my head at him. It would take an awful lot of staring to realize that. And with that thought I feel my cheeks go all the way to rose red.

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