Cherished Moments

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He smiles and moves his hands so they are at my sides before taking his right and moving it to my hips. My forehead starts to perspire as i remember how large he is and how much of a stretch it is. And i know that he'll go slow. I know that but i still get anxious. Despite us being so close and sleeping next to each other, this is only our second time.

So when he slowly starts to push into me i react the exact way he imagined i would. By arching my back and letting out a low moan.

It doesn't take long for him to bottom out into me and when he does, he looks at me for affirmation.

"You can move! Please move!"

He moves so gently and so skillfully that my whole body reacts. "This....this is what i was talking about." He says between moans. "This reaction right here is what i dream about. I love seeing your pretty face twist up in pleasure as i rock into you."

"I love knowing that i can bring you this much ecstasy." I know he's talking to me. I just know he is but I can't hear. My mind too clouded with pleasure. The only thing on my mind is his forgotten promise.

"Auggie makes me feel so good but you promised~" He looks up at me with a gentle smile. "I'm sorry darling. I got caught up in watching your pretty pussy squeeze around me. I'll give you what you want now."

Anyone in my position would've had cheeks as red as mine so i dont bother trying to hide them as he leans down and ghosts over my lips. "No auggie you promised me. Please kiss me."

He shakes his head with a quiet chuckle. "No, you kiss me."

So i do. I grab his face with both hands and softly force him into a make out session. He smirks into the kiss, probably feeling my desperation but I don't care. I can willingly admit that i am very desperate for his mouth on mine.

The sensation of him slowly picking up speed is what has me gasping for breath and sweat forming on my neck. He lets out a husky, "Fuck." that makes my toes curl and my brain do something that I can't quite explain.

"Do you even realize what you do to me? How your moans of desperation make my body feel?" I shake my head no. "Tell me, auggie. Tell me how i make you feel." And for the second time since I've known him his cheeks go slightly red and he freezes for just a second before picking his pace back up.

"You make me feel good, Arabella Quinn. The way you moan for me lights my body on fire and makes me feel things I didn't even know existed. When you whine and shake for me...." He trails off and moans lowly.

"The way you squeeze around me. does things to me." He reaches a hand down to my clit and begins moving in a circular motion. "Only by adding to your pleasure do I even get slightly close to how you make me feel."

And that's the sentence that has me crying out his name repeatedly as i release.

He brings his warm mouth down to mine, effectively muffling my screams as he continues chasing after his release. It only takes about a sixty seconds before he's releasing inside me but I'm too blinded by love to care.

When we wake up in the morning still tangled in each other, me in nothing but my underwear and him in nothing but his shorts, I get flashbacks of the night before and the three other rounds after that.

"Good morning love." I softly say it back before he asks me how i slept. "Wonderfully. I've never slept mostly naked but it was nice. Freeing." He lets out a small chuckle while sitting up.

As he stretches he lets out a little noise before sharply turning back to me. "I just remembered that you were going to say something last night. What was it?"

I freeze as i also recall what i was going to say.

This is it Arabella. Your chance to tell him.

But what if he doesn't feel the same way? It could ruin the rest of this vacation. Heck, it could ruin the rest of our lives together.


I'm going to tell him. I have to. If he doesn't feel the same way then so what? At least i told him. At least i got it off my chest.

"Bella," My head snaps up to him. "Why don't we get some breakfast and then you tell me, hmm?" I nod my head while taking a deep breath. Okay. I bought myself some time. I can figure out how I'll tell him.

After making some crepes, eggs, toast, a little bowl of fruit and "forcing" auggie to put pig mochi on my plate, we finally get sat down at our little table. Him across from me so he can once again bring my leg up onto his lap for whatever reason.

And for some reason as he settles in and starts rubbing my leg with one hand and bringing a bite of his Nutella crepe up to his mouth do i choose to blurt out, "I love you."

His hands stop moving and i hold my breath as he ever so slowly looks up at me. "What did you say?" I, just as slowly let my breath out before timidly saying it again.

"I love you. That's what i was going to say last night." He stares at me for what feels like decades but is merely seconds before letting out a small almost inaudible, "Say it again."


"Say it again." This time he says it with a grin on his face and as my mouth morphs into a smile i lean forward and say it again.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you, August Evans." His fork drops onto his plate and my leg drops to the floor as he comes bounding around the table, moving my chair back and picking me up.

"You love me?" I nod my head with a giggle. "I love you." His grin grows even more and he hugs me tighter as i wrap my legs around his waist. "Arabella Quinn," I look down at him from my position in the air. "I love you too."

My eyes fill with happy tears as he peppers my face with kisses. And they continue to stream down my cheeks as he finally reaches my lips.

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