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August's POV

After I finished my sentence she stared off into space for a couple minutes. Then her lip started to shake and her eyes had newly formed puddles in them. Her dark brown eyes got even darker and she brought her hand up to her mouth to stop a sob. I didn't know what to do.

I yanked her up and pulled her into my chest. I protectively wrapped my arms around her body and held her tight. I usually hate being this close to someone but she just felt so safe and caring.

After a couple minutes of crying into my shirt she wrapped her arms around my body. I lifted her up and she then wrapped her legs around me. I sat down in the chair and leaned back with her in my lap. She simply put her head in my neck and continued to cry. For what reason I do not know but I wasn't going to ask. It was none of my business.
She has stopped crying and her breathing has slowed but she's still awake. I move her into bridal position and wrap my arms back around her. I lean my head back but look down when she brings her hand to my wrist and holds it there. I decide to ask about it now. "Why do you always touch my wrist?" She continues to feel my wrist and without looking up or missing a beat goes "I have an obsession with feeling people's heart beats through their wrists. I can hear yours but it helps to feel it. It brings me comfort. I don't know why I do it," She pauses and loosens her grip. "I'm sorry" I take my hand and tighten her grip around my wrist. "It's okay bella. Like I said. You could never make me uncomfortable"

She leans into my body and leaves her hand on my wrist. I slowly bring it down to her lap so she isn't holding her arm in that position.
I'm woken up by something moving around in my lap. With my eyes closed and my head still thrown back I say, "What are you doing?" She freezes. "Sorry, I was trying to get comfortable" I nod my head and scoot down a little so she can move a little easier. She stops moving shortly after and I go back to sleep with a sweet nurse in my lap.
Bella's POV

I wake up and automatically close my eyes again since it's so bright in the room. I try to stretch but can't due to the strong arms around my waist. I'm not supposed to be close to him when he's asleep but this is the second time I've fallen asleep in his room. I push my head back into his chest and listen for his heart. Very steady. I keep listening for a few minutes and it continues to go at a steady beat until it picks up. And picks up. And picks up. And then I'm being squeezed harder. I hear his breathing start to pick up and I know I need to wake him up but yelling his name will only feed whatever dream he's having.

With a struggle I pick my hand up and grab his wrist. I try and find his heartbeat and when I find it I squeeze. His grip loosens enough for me to get my arms up and I quickly grab his face. I drop one of my hands from his face to his throat and find a vein. Then I push into it. It probably won't do much but it might slow his heart rate down by force. I hope it does. His eyes quickly open a couple seconds later and I stop pushing. He blinks hard a couple times and looks at me. I still have one hand on his face so I slowly take it down. "I'm so sorry miss Quinn" I shake my head. "You have nothing to be sorry for. It's part of you." He looks so ashamed of himself and looks down. "Maybe you should go" My lip starts to wobble.

I quickly get off his lap, gather my things and scurry out of his room. When I get to my car I turn it on before gripping the steering wheel. I can feel my cheeks being soaked with tears and I don't know why. He wasn't even mean to me. I try as hard as I can to stop crying so I can drive home but the tears keep coming so I decided to do something stupid.

I drive.

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