That couple

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I have exactly five days to find the perfect outfit for Auggie's birthday. And by outfit I mean the most elegant dress that has ever touched my skin. And it must be black! I can't exactly go shopping and I certainly can't just go without him so I'm stuck with ordering.

It's not even like I haven't been looking. I have, but nothing is right. I need it to be the absolute perfect dress. It being black is just for Auggie's benefit. He loves when I wear black so why wouldn't I?

As i continue to look I hear Auggie coming downstairs and quickly switch tabs on my laptop. "What are you doing?" I nod towards my lap. "Playing poptropica." He lets out a chuckle before grabbing both kittens and sitting next to me to watch.

Dang it.

After about an hour and a half later he lets out an exaggerated sigh. "Darling, I'm sorry but I can not sit here and watch you fail to beat this cheetah girl for the fifth time." I let out a gasp. "I'm getting so close! And it's not my fault! The computer keeps lagging!" I finish with a pout.

"Yea. Real nice. Blame it on your computer." I laugh as he snatches my laptop and quickly beats the part I've been stuck on for five minutes. I know five minutes doesn't sound like a lot but it does when I say that this particular part is only about ten seconds long.

"Now you can finally move further in line for the bathroom." My laugh never dies down as he softly 'slams' my laptop back down on my lap.

As much fun as I'm having I do wish that he would go away so I can find my dress. And I know I could just tell him but then he'll have an idea of what I'm wearing and I don't want him to know. I need everything to be a surprise.

When I finally beat all three parts of the island Auggie is softly sleeping on my shoulder. I could potentially go back to looking but chances are he'll wake up and I won't know.

I pretty much never know when he wakes up and I'd rather he didn't see me because knowing him, he'll just watch.

I sigh and close my laptop before slowly moving myself into a more comfy sitting position and moving his head to my lap. And then a light bulb goes off.

Since my laptop and phone are connected I can just look on there and I can hold it above his head. I quickly pull my phone out and head to safari.
"Baby all I'm saying is it's getting colder. You own like three pairs of pants." I watch him with a confused face. He's been walking back and forth for a while. Not really pacing but still. I'm not exactly sure what's going on but I think he wants to go shopping.

"Auggie....what exactly are you yelling at me about?" He stops and looks at me with an exasperated look. "Yesterday you left the house in a dress in forty degree weather!" My jaw drops. "I had tights on underneath!" He shakes his head.

"No no no. I could see through those which means that you were still cold. You need pants baby. When you are sick it hurts my head." Well now I'm confused. "What do you mean it hurts your head?"

"You get all sickly looking and you hardly speak or eat and you just look so sad. I hate it." I try not to chuckle a bit but he is so cute. Fully admitting that he gets so upset when I'm sick that it makes his head hurt.

"Okay Auggie. I will get pants." He nods his head affirming my decision before coming over to me. "You know you're very cute right?" I nod my head. "You won't let me forget it."

He leans down and softly kisses my lips before leaning back up and asking if i want to go get smoothies. "From smoothie bar?" He nods and I quickly jump up and run to my closet.

I pull on a pair of black tights, a long sleeve black dress that I know I'll be getting lectured on, and some black platform heels. I also pull on a thick black cardigan.

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