"Uh no thanks"

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When we get everything in my car I put my cactus in my lap and begin to drive. I have it in between my legs so my dress is covering it a little bit. "I can hold it until we get home" I briefly glance at him. He doesn't really wanna do that. "It's okay. I got it"

The ride home is mostly silent due to him not really listening to the radio a lot and me not speaking.
After finally getting everything situated at the house and finding a beautiful place on the windowsill for my cactus I plopped down onto my bed. Earlier when I told that lady I was worn out I was lying but now I really am. I just want to get some food, shower, and relax. Since for the next few years or so I only have 1 patient to take care of I have a lot more time on my hands. A lot more time to sleep and do nothing. I quickly jump up and run down the stairs when I hear my name being yelled. "Yes augg!-" I'm cut off when I see her. I come the rest of the way down that stairs and pause next to August. "Not to sound rude but why are you here Isabel?"

She gives me a look. "I called mom and she said you moved into a house with some guy. I had to come see for myself" I looked up at auggie. He looked down at me and then back at Isabel. Even though I told him differently, up until about 5 minutes ago he was convinced Isabel and I were twins. The bell twins to be exact. "Why did you call mom? Did something happen? Are you okay?" She scoffed and I gave her a confused look. "You want something to be wrong don't you?" I quickly shake my head. "Of course not Isabel but you don't really...." I pause and suck in a sharp breath, "like me. So I'm just wondering why you needed to know my whereabouts"

She huffs and takes a look around. "This is a nice place and that's a nice man you got there" I try not to let my discomfort show. "Isabel, you have a "man" and besides. This one-" Im cut off. "Technically he's not my man. He can do what he pleases" Okay. I've heard enough. "Please leave." She gives me a wicked smile. "I'm off. Bye baby Bell!"

Her and Clare would get along just fine. I quickly shut and lock the door. I furiously wipe my tears and turn to August. "Um I'm going to order pizza. Is there anything you-" I stopped due to my voice breaking. I took a deep breath. "Is there anything you would like on it or not on it?" I'm not really sure if that made sense but at the moment I can't think straight. He gives me a worried look. "Uh no. Whatever you want on it is fine" I nod my head. I'll just order him a pepperoni because what I like on mine is weird.

I quickly run up the stairs and begin to order the pizza.
After I got the food ordered, we both changed and are now just waiting. Him on the couch and me in my bedroom. I changed into a dirty pink, silkish tank top and short set. When I heard the bell ring I stood up to go get it but when I passed a mirror I instantly regretted looking at it. My face is puffy and my lips are swollen. I quickly realized that since I no longer live alone I'm going to need some longer shorts and some different clothes to sleep in. We need to go clothes shopping soon. I quickly make my way down the stairs just in time to see August putting the pizzas on the table. "I was coming down to pay" He shakes his head without looking at me. "No it's okay. It's just pizza" I simply sighed and sat the money down on the shelf in the living room.

"Ew! What the fuuuu....dge is this?!" I quickly ran over to him and looked. When I saw what it was I smacked his arm. "You had me worried!" He backed up and held his arm in mock pain. "You should be worried. Someone swapped our pizza for this abomination!" I laugh. I've never heard him joke like this. Maybe under all that frowning and black clothing is a comedian. I grab the "abomination" pizza and sit on the couch with the box in my lap. He grabs the pepperoni one and does the same.

"Why would you do that?" I laugh and take a bite. "It's so good auggie. Stop hating" He just gives me a disgusted look. "Now I know we always need two different pizzas. Thats gross buttercup" I smile at him. He used it again. And this time he looks like he meant to use it. I look back at the tv softly playing ben10 and take another bite of my pizza. My delicious pineapple, black olive, and extra cheese pizza. So so delicious. "You want a bite?" He gives me a grossed out look. "Uh no thanks. I'm perfectly okay" I nod and continue eating.

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