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S/n/n= silly nickname
Y/n/n= your nickname
Y/n Y/l/n= your name, your last name y/h/c= your hair colour
Y/e/c= your eye colour
Freddie and Y/n

Lots of suitcases came rolling out of an airplane on Heathrow Airport, London 1970. All sorts of suitcases were there. Brown ones. Ones with flowerprints. Name one and they had them there. At the bottom there was standing young Freddie Bulsara, carelessly throwing the suitcases on the cart behind them. Grunts left the young man's mouth as he tried to keep up with the speed of all the suitcases. A white with red striped suitcase stood out to him. All sorts of stickers were on it and he took a close look to one. Missing the other incoming suitcases.

"Hey! You missed one, Paki!", an arse of a man said, that Freddie had to call his co-worker.

"I'm not from Pakistan!", Freddie answered, looking at the white man, while going back to throwing the suitcases onto the cart.


"Come on, you're out again with that Freddie. There must be some type of love interest in him, right?", Susan asked, as she watched Y/n waltz around the room trying to find her other heel.

"You're kidding me right? He's like six years older! No! That's disgusting, he's like a big brother for me", Y/n said, giving her best friend a dirty look.

"Wouldn't be your first older boyfriend", Debra shot back.

"And besides that he's also one of my best friends I've ever had"

"What about us?", chorused seven voices at once. Those seven voices belonging to Linda, Susan, Debra, Nancy, Donna, Cynthia and Patricia; Y/n's roommates and Y/n's friendgroup since secondary school.

"Yeah, yeah, you too", she sighed before turning around. "How do I look?"

Her roommates all looked over her, she was wearing light blue, denim shorts and a pretty revealing green velvet long sleeved top, that showed some cleavage. Her hair was wild and her make-up was minimum, but pretty.

"Dressed to impress, hm?", Donna asked, looking at the girl with a smile. "Who do you have your eyes on?"

"Your mum. Well, gotta go. Otherwise Frederick will probably kill me", Y/n said, sarcastically, as she fluffed up her hair a bit more. "Don't miss me too much while I'm gone", she winked before walking out of their shared home.

Yesterday, my life was in ruins

After a long day of working, the young man sat at a busstop, waiting for the bus as he had a paper and a pen in his hand.

You are mine
I posess you
Love you forever
It said.

Now today, I know what I'm doing
Got a feeling, I should be doing all right

His mother sat down the meal on their dinertable.

"Diner is ready", she said sweetly.

"Oh, I'm not hungry, mum"

The eighteen year old girl, named Y/n Y/l/n walked in the door after him.

"Hello, Y/n, dear"

"Hello, Jer!", the girl responded, walking up to the older woman with a smile.

"Where are you going?", Jer asked her son, looking at him questioningly.

"Out with friends", Freddie responded as he grabbed his jacket.

"A girl?", his mother asked with a soft smile, making his sister, Kashmira, look at him expectantly; twirling her long braid, before turning back.

"Just Y/n, mum"

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now