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Freddie was looking for the name of the man he had met on one of his many parties, Jim Hutton. His hopes, however, were low upon seeing how many Jim Hutton's there actually in London. 

"Freddie you in there?", Paul asked after knocking. "They're here. We can't put this off any longer!"

Freddie didn't respond.



"MTV banned our video. The youth of America. We helped give birth to MTV", Freddie spoke, not looking in his bandmates while talking until turning around exasperatedly.

"It's America! They're Puritans in public, perverts in private", Brian said. 

"I'm never touring in the US again"

"Freddie, the US is a big money factor for us... you do realise that right?", Y/n said, slowly standing up with her big belly. 

"No! I'm the one being blamed for it!", Freddie chuckled dryly. 

"Not you", Freddie pointed at Roger. "Whose idea, I believe, it was to dress up in drag. And not you. Not even you, who wrote the bloody thing. And you, Y/n, you're being fucking praised for how you looked in the video, for how you still did it with that big ass stomach of yours!"

Y/n widened her eyes. 

"Freddie, watch out with what you're saying", she spoke slowly, as she held up a hand for Roger who was already trying to defense her. 

"No. Crazy, cross-dressing Freddie. Freddie the freak. Freddie the fag", he sighed before turning around. "I'm tired of touring. Aren't you? Album, tour, album, tour. I want to do something different!"

"We're a band. That's what bands do", Brian said in defense. "Album, tour, album, tour"

"Well, I need a break"

Y/n's eyes widened at what her best friend was saying. 

"I'm sick of it"

"What are you saying, Freddie?", John asked, scratching his jaw. 

Freddie lit up a cigarette, making the rest of the band wait in tension. 

There were lots of silent seconds, in which a lot of confused glances were exchanged. In which Freddie looked over his shoulder shamefully.

Freddie sighed.

"I've signed a deal with CBS Records"

"You've done what?", Roger asked. 

"Without telling us?"

"And what about us?"

"What kind of deal?"

"Look, I'm not saying we won't record or ever tour again. Queen will go on. But I need to do something different. Do you kknow what I mean? I need - I need to grow", Freddie took in a sharp breath. "What... waht... what's the song? 'Fly Away'?"

John chuckled in disbelief. "Spread my wings and fly away"

"Spread my wings and fly away!"

"A solo album?", questioned Brian. 

"Two, actually", Paul butted in.

"For the last fucking time! You Prenter, are not in the band!", Y/n shouted, throwing the man a exasperated look,  but her eyes were holding in tears. 

"Exactly. Another word from you and I'll throw you out the bloody window", Roger said, backing her up. 

"But that's years Freddie... I mean... that'll take years", John said, getting back to business.

"Ye of little faith"

Roger sighed. "I don't believe this", he said to the man that was still standing by the window. "How much?"

Freddie fell silent, looking away. 

"Come on, you coward. Tell us, what did they pay you?"

"I wanna know how much they paid you-"

"4 million dollars!", Freddie finally said. 

Brian scoffed, looking down in disbelief.

"And you said yes?", Y/n asked, her voice becoming smaller. She knew the answer. She just didn't want it to be true.


"That's more than any Queen deal", John said, placing a hand on his mouth while Roger began walking around. 

"Look... the routine is killing us. I mean, you must all want a break from all the arguments. I mean, whose song gets on the album, whose song's the single, who wrote what... who gets a bigger slice of the royalties, what's on the B-side, all of it. You must need a break"

"But Fred... that's what comes with being in a band... don't you understand?", Y/n asked softly, not daring to look at the man she couldn't call her friend anymore. "We've... we've always done it... for almost fifteen bloody years... why stop now? Fred... don't you see that we're a family?"

"No! We're not! We're not a family!", Freddie outbursted. "You've got families, children, wives, a husband! What have I got?"

"You've got 4 million dollars, perhaps you can buy yourself a family", John told the man calmly.

Y/n's tears soon started to fall silently as she bit her lip. This was the last crack in their friendship and now it was shattered.

"I won't compromise my vision any longer"

Brian breathed in sharply, shaking his head. 

"Compromise? Are you joking? You were working at Heathrow before we gave you a chance!"

"And without me... you - you'd be a dentist... drumming 12/8-time blues at the weekend at the Crown and Anchor", Freddie said in frustration. "And you? Well, you would be Dr. Brian May, author of a fascinating dissertation on the cosmos that no one ever reads. Deaky? For the life of me... nothing comes to mind"

John glanced down with a disappointed smile. "I studied electrical engineering does that meet your standard?"

"It's perfect", smiled Freddie before turning to the last one. "And Y/n... my dearest Y/n... without me, you'd be long dead for mourning the death of your biological parents"

"Fred, stop right there", Y/n softly sobbed. 

"What?", Roger asked softly.

"Oh! She didn't tell? What a lovely wife she is, isn't she? To not tell her real background for being adopted? What a shame", Freddie chuckled. "A dishonest wife"

She didn't dare look at anyone, instead she stared at the floorboard as more and more tears rolled down her cheeks. 

Freddie started to walk away. 

"You just killed Queen", Roger told the man, making his wife (who he was trying to comfort) look up. 

"Oh, give it a kiss one day. She might wake up"

"You need us, Freddie", Brian told him. "More than you know"

"I don't need anyone"

He walked away further. 

"Now, Fred, don't do this!", Y/n exclaimed standing up far too quickly and starting to run after him (as far as she was able to), but to no avail... he was not going back. 

As Paul past her, and he placed a hand on her shoulder, she slapped him across the face as hard as she could. "Get out! You dickhead! Get. Out!", she sobbed as the traitor also walked out of side. 

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now