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The trip to Y/n's childhood vacation house was just around the corner, two days away.

Her house was a mess, because she was searching every closet and drawer in her house to find things that could be useful on the trip. An Elvis Presley record was jamming in the background, Suspicious Minds playing.

"– I know... stops by to say hello... would I still see suspicion in your eyes?", Y/n sang along, folding one of her favourite dresses. "Here we go again... asking where I've been... can't you see the tears are real, I'm crying... yes, I'm cryi–"

A loud knock on her door stopped her from continuing, making her sigh. Probably Roger, he'd stop by all the time these last couple of months. She walked over to her Victrola, turning down the music.

We can't go on together with suspicious minds...

Another knock.

"Yes, I'm coming!", Y/n walked over to the door, of course expecting Roger standing there with another movie that they could watch in the night, because it was fairly late already. But nothing could be less true, she opened the door with a huge smile, but it dropped when she saw who it was... William. Standing in the pouring rain.

"Will, I don't th–", she began, but her ex-boyfriend cut her off.

"Y/n, love, can I please come in?", he watched her with pleading, brown eyes. "I just want to talk"

She couldn't turn away a wet dog...

"... come in"

William walked inside, his wet clothes dripping on her floor.

"It's a mess in here", said the man as he looked around the place.

"Thanks", Y/n said grumpily. "See, I'm really not in the mood to speak to you"


The woman stayed silent for a few seconds, looking at him, before nodding, but he stayed silent.

"Well, go on than! I do not have all day", Y/n crossed her arms at him with a glare.

"Okay...", without asking, William walked over to the kitchen (Y/n following) and he grabbed some water, tears forming in his eyes. "I- I thought I didn't need you... b-but I was s-so wrong... I thought because of our age difference that it wouldn't work... but–"

"No, William. Please don't ruin this for me", Y/n said, shaking her head.

"What? W-what do you mean?", William sunk to his knees as the tears that had formed in his eyes flooded onto his cheeks.

"Please don't make it harder than it already is... I'm trying to get over–", she pointed between the two of them. "– this"

"Y/n... I mean it... I thought our age–"

"– our age was the problem?", the women finished.

"Yeah... I thought– maybe if we had been closer in age maybe it would've been fine..."

God, way to make her feel like she should die right then and there.

"– but... b-but I know we can make it... I–", more tears flooded his eyes as he settled down in the fetus position.

"William, how drunk are you?"

"I- I- I've had a f-few drinks", he said through hiccups.

"Look, I think you should go", Y/n walked over to the older man, grabbing his hand and pulling him up, trying to lead him out of the kitchen, but instead he slung his arms around her.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now