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After the meeting they started practicing their performance.

Freddie's voice kept breaking while singing Hammer To Fall and stopped singing in an instant. Freddie grabbed onto his throat.

"Yeah," John said awkwardly, agreeing with stopping the song. "Let's call it.

Y/n chuckled. "Good idea."

"Sorry... I sound like shit," Freddie said, placing his hands on his hips. "You all are lovely, sounds good. Y/n, your voice... amazing."

"Thank you, Freddie," Y/n nodded and smiled at him.

"My throat feels like a voltures crotch," Freddie joked.

"We've still got a week..." Roger said, taking his drumsticks into one hand and walking over to Y/n to place a loving kiss on her head.

"Yeah, we'll get there," John nodded along.

"Yeah, we're in a good place, Fred..." Brian said with a soft tone, "you just need a bit of rest, that's all."

"Get a drink, Rog?" John asked as he carefully placed down his Bass.

"Yeah, there's a nice little pub down the road actually..." Roger answered.

"Can I come?" Brian asked, also packing up his Red Special.

"We're just exclusive," John joked.

"No, of course not," Roger continued, "invite only. Only Y/n, John and I."

Y/n gave Freddie a confused look and walked over to him when she noticed him glancing at the floor. She brushed some stray hairs out of his face. "What's going on in that pretty little mind of yours?"

"Before you leave... can I have a second?" Freddie asked, turning to the whole band.

"Go ahead, Freddie, take your time. Should I be worried?" Y/n asked in concern, grabbing his hands in hers.

"Yeah, what's up?" Roger answered.

Freddie stayed silent for a moment or two, which felt like hours. "I've got it," he finally spoke up.

"Got what?" Brian was the one to speak up.


Y/n's eyes widened. "Freddie, no... you're joking..."

"I'm not, I wanted you to hear it from me."

Unstoppable tears streamed down your face.

"Fred... I'm so sorry..." Brian said in the silence.

"Brian, stop. Don't."

Y/n placed her hands in front of her mouth to muffle the whimpering sounds that left her mouth.

"For now, it's between us. Alright? Just us. So please... if any of you fuzz about it or frown about it or worst of all if you bore me with your sympathy... that's just seconds waisted..."

John was also trying his best to hold in his tears and looked away, but Roger and Brian just stared at Freddie trying to take in everything that he was saying.

"Time that could be spend on making music, which is all I want to do in the time I have left. I don't have time to be their victim... their AIDS poster boy, their cautionary tale."

Y/n's lip trembled with every word that Freddie spoke. Roger had grabbed onto her side to hold her against him. She really tried to hold in the tears... for Freddie... but how could she? He was her best friend... her pal... the one she grew up... slowly dying.

"No, I decide who I am. I'm going to be what I was born to be... a performer," through the midst of his speech, he had a little smile on his face. "Who gives the people what they want." Freddie raised his hand and pointed upwards. "Touch of the heavens. Freddie fucking Mercury."

"You're a legend, Fred," it was Roger who spoke up, he was trying his best to hold himself up, for Freddie, but most of all for Y/n.

Freddie chuckled. "You're bloody right I am, we're all legends. But you're right, I am a legend," he said proudly, making everyone chuckle, even Y/n.

"You need to give me the chance to get my bitchy little vocal cords in order and we'll go and punch a hole through the roof of that stadium."

"Actually Wembley doesn't have a roof," John remarked making everyone laugh. He was always there to make a lighthearted correction.


"No, he's right, it doesn't," Brian added.

"Then we'll punch a hole in the sky," Freddie said, raising his fist as high as he could and then finally pulled everyone in a hug.

"I hate you, Freddie Mercury," Y/n laughed, "You know I hate crying."

"Now, even though you're crying like four little girls, I still love you."

"We love you too, Fred. So much," Y/n stated.

"All right, enough of this."

"All right," Brian mumbled.

"Drink?" Freddie asked.

"Yes!" Roger exclaimed, pulling Y/n flush against his hip.

"Or ten?" John asked.

"Or maybe even hundred!" Y/n added.

Everyone chuckled. Even in moments like these, they were still the same old college students who got together 15 years ago.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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