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Brian was sitting on the drumrisers in annoyance as the rest of his bandmates were talking to their wifes, Freddie nowhere to be seen.

"I want a new boat", Roger said to his wife.

"It seems like you're starting to love your boats more than your cars, my love", Y/n laughed, leaning the back of her head against his shoulder, seeing as she was sitting on his lap. There was enough space next to him for her to sit, but Roger insisted that his lap was 'the best seat'. The woman was heavily pregnant, the date where the baby is supposed to be due in a few weeks. "And that love is very big, sometimes I get the feeling you love your machine of a dream more than your own wife", she smirked.

"You know that is not true", he said immediately.

"Why so defensive, Meddows?", his wife asked, being fake hurt.

Roger rolled his eyes with a smile, rolling up the magazine in his hands and softly hitting her softly on the head; he made sure not to hurt her.

Y/n gasped. "First cheating on me with a car, then hitting me? Fuck you", she stood up and sat next to Chrissy. "Hello, Chrissy", said she, leaning her head onto her friend's shoulder, mock glaring at her husband who was now giving her a fake silent treatment.

Chrissy shook her head with a smile, putting an arm around Y/n before looking over at her husband who was still sitting annoyed on the stage.

"Screw him", he muttered. "Everyone up on the drum risers, up on the drum risers, come on!"

Chrissie grabbed Y/n's hand, carefully pulled her up and together they walked over to where Brian was standing.

"Thank you and Y/n/n and Chrissie. Showing some enthousiasm", the man placed a kiss on his wife's lips.

"Wives and everyone, Brian? Me?", John asked.

"Yes, come on John, everyone. I'm not waiting any longer"

Y/n was trying to get on the drum risers, but to no avail so she turned around and signalled her husband over.

"Get up, Rogerick", she said, trying to get herself from falling over.

Roger first was sceptical if he should get up or not, but once he saw his wife struggling he immediately walked over to her. "Are you alright, my love?", he asked, taking her face in his slender hands, worry washing over him.

"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't I be?", she laughed, though sweat was starting to form on her forehead.

"Bass?", John asked Brian.

"No, you don't need it. Get up", the latter said, literally kicking John's butt.

"What's this about?", Roger asked.

"You remember our last concert? The crowd were singing our song back to us. I mean, it was deafening, but it was wonderful!"

Everyone smiled in curiosity.

"I mean, they're becoming a part of our show! A-and I wanna encourage that... so... er - I've got an idea to involve them a bit more... let's start with this..."

Brian stomped his foot two times and then stopped, stomped two times again and then stopped. "Stamp to this beat" He continued the beat.

Everyone looked at each other, Y/n nodded in understanding. She also started to stomp along.

"Genius", John said with sarcasm.

"Thank you, John"

"Well, come on", said Y/n, still stomping along, a tremble in her voice.

Roger stomped along, pulling a face.

"Good... now I want you to clap along on the third beat"

Everyone did exactly what he said, forming a nice beat.

Chrissy, Ronnie and Y/n giggled together.

"Don't speed up! Rog, keep that time", Brian commanded as he walked over to the piano, hitting some keys afore stopping. Freddie was there. "No Prenter? It's unusual seeing you without your clone"

Y/n carefully walked over to Freddie, hugging him as tightly as she possibly could with the large belly she had in between them.

Freddie wrapped an arm around her, but kept looking at Brian. "It's unusual seeing you so bitchy"

"I'm glad you made it here", smiled Y/n with a sigh, but her smile fell when she smelled his breath. "Freddie.. have you been drinking? Again?"

Freddie chose to ignore her while Brian walked over to the drumrisers again; he followed soon after, leaving Y/n alone, swaying in her spot.

"Ah, you kept your time, Rog!"

"What's going on?", the lead singer asked as he watched the band and their wifes stomping and clapping.

An awkward silence fell between them immediately.

"You'd know if you were on time", Roger told him in annoyance.

"I'm a performer, darling. Not a Swiss train conductor... sorry I'm late..."

"Again", John added, his eyebrows raised.

"Alright. Now, will you please tell me why you aren't playing any instruments?", Freddie asked Brian as Y/n walked to them again.

"I want to give the audience a song that they can perform"

"Just like they did in our last concert", the pregnant woman said, placing her hand on his elbow, afore being glently held by Roger again.

"Just like that, let them be a part of our band. So what can they do?", Brian began stomping and clapping again, soon everyone (including Freddie) began stomping and clapping along. "Imagine: thousands of people doing this in unison. Huh? Well?"

"What's the lyrics?"

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now