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The next morning, at eleven o'clock, Y/n woke up feeling something warm on her stomach. She groaned, trying to wake up, but alas. Tiredly she opened her eyes, just to close them again a second later as the light hit them.

"Fuck", she mumbled, placing a hand above her eyes, rubbing them before finally opening them. She looked down at the warmth source to see Roger laying on her stomach, his legs intertwined with hers, his arms loosely around her waist.

She chuckled softly, lifting up her hand to run it through his untamed blonde hair. The events of yesterday quickly came back into her head. He was her boyfriend now. That stupid, beautiful idiot was hers now, even if that sounds possessive.

"Rog", she whispered, still stroking his hair, making him nuzzle closer to her. She giggled. He may seem mean and things to others, but he always was actually so sweet. "Roggie", she whispered again.

"Hm?", he groaned, his eyes still closed.

"We have to get up, love", the eyes which were closed just moments before were now wide open, a big grin on his face.

He immediately shot up and moved his face towards hers, trying to kiss her, but she pushed his face away.

A frown formed on Roger's face as he slowly backed away. "D‐did I do something wrong?"

"Morning breath", was all that Y/n said before Roger sprang out of bed and ran to the sink in her room, grabbed his toothbrush and put some paste on it. "Show me how you have to brush your teeth, dentist", his girlfriend demanded with a smirk as she also walked towards him, grabbing her brush as well.

"I'm not a dentist", he insisted with the toothbrush in his mouth.

Y/n didn't answer, just smiled at him and also began brushing, but stopped shortly after that. "So I'm not gonna get the 'You really have to floss' talk? I was so excited"

"It is better for your teeth though", Roger told her, looking at her through the mirror.

"It's also better for your teeth to just not smoke", she shot back, lowering her head towards the sink to spit some of the foam out of her mouth.

"Oh, bugger off", he laughed.

"It's true though", Y/n shrugged, taking her hair into the hand that wasn't brushing her teeth before leaning against her boyfriend.

They went silent after that, finishing brushing their teeth, rinsing their teeth, before Roger's lips met the woman's.

She laughed against his lips, wrapping  her arms around his neck as his in turn wrapped around her waist.

"You know I've waited so long to do this?", Roger said between kisses.

Y/n pulled away momentarily. "Were those five minutes that you were awake so much to handle?", she teased, making him roll his eyes and kiss her again.

"That's not what I mean"

"And what do you mean?", she smirked against his lips, continuing to tease him.

He didn't respond, just bit down lightly onto her lip making her quiet down.

His tongue swiped across her bottom lip, begging from entrance, she let him.

"This is not what I wanted to see at eight A.M. in the morning", said somebody at the door and the two turned to look at Brian standing awkwardly in the door.

Roger glared at his best friend, what do these people have with interrupting their moments?

"What do you want, Brimi?", he asked, raising an unamused eyebrow.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now