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"Now, who wants to take a ride?"

Midwest USA

I was singing with my band
Across the water  across the land
I've seen every blue-eyed floozy on the way
But their beauty and their style
Went kind of smooth after a while
Take me to them dirty ladies every time

There was the band, Queen, in a tiny van. Brian was drinking, Freddie playing a board game, roadies were drinking just like Brian, John was fast asleep, Y/n was peeking out of the curtains in curiosity. Her face had amazement on it. And finally Roger? He was fast asleep with two groupies in his arms.

Oh, you gonna take me home tonight?

The crowd was ecstatic, screaming along while the band played. Y/n and Freddie were doing their thing.

Oh, down beside your red fire light

"We love you, Cleveland!", Freddie shouted.


"We love you, Houston!", John exclaimed, holding his bass.


"We love you, Denver! Very happy to be here!", Brian happily said, out of breath.

Freddie jumped down from the platform Roger's drums were set on while Y/n was shaking a can of coke, opening it and spraying the crowd with it.


"The crowd is always excited, they seem to love us very much!", the only lady of the band said on the phone, talking to her boyfriend.

"Mhm, I've seen. You're shown everywhere I look", William answered, chuckling a bit.

"Makes it harder to forget me", Y/n grinned, bringing the horn to her other ear.

"Suppose it does", the man on the other side of the phone responded.

"Hey, are you alright?", his girlfriend asked. "You don't sound very happy"

"Of course I am", he said, defensively. "Why wouldn't I be"

"I have no idea, you just don't sound very interested or something"

"Of course I'm interested, love. You know I am, you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you"

"I never said anything about hurting me... I miss you", the y/h/c haired woman said.


"Well... got to go...", a frown was on her face.

"Yep, bye"

Before she could say anything else she could already hear a long sound in the phone, indicating that the person on the other side had hung up.

The frown on her face became bigger as she put the horn back on its rightful place in the payphone.

"Hey, Y/n/n!", a man behind her exclaimed happily.

"Hm?", she turned around to see standing Roger there, a large grin on his face.

"I'm going into town, wanna join me?", he playfully held out his arm.

Y/n looked at him, smiled a bit and nodded, grabbing onto his arm.


"We love you, Portlant!", the frontlady screamed. As always, she looked absolutely stunning. This made everyone scream in return.


"He's got a big ass, too!", Freddie said, playfully smacking Brian's ass, making Brian turn around and raise his finger in agreement.


"We love you, New Orleans"


"We love you, Atlanta!"

Travels, travels, travels.

"Rogerick, come down here and say hello", Y/n said, walking over to his platform.

Roger put his arm around her shoulder, coming closer to the microphone she was holding.

"We love you, Pittsburgh!", he shouted really loudly and for Y/n was standing really close to him she could feel that in her ear.

"Welp, there went my eardrums. Who needs hearing anyways, it's so overrated", she said playfully, walking away, making people in the crowd laugh.

"Roger!", girls screamed.


"Now, hit it!"


"Just a little bit of time left when I'll see you again", the woman bit her lip excitedly. "I've missed you so, so much these months"

"Has so much time passed already?", William asked, confused.

"Yep! Have been striping away the days just to know how much time there is left"

Her boyfriend remained silent.

"You know, these months made me realise just how much I care about you. Would you believe me if I said I love you?"

William's breath audibly hitched.

"Oh... well... that's nice to hear"

Y/n smiled. "I have been buying a little souvenir from every place we've went to, it's almost filled to the brim"

"Nice", a sound was heard in the background. "Well, gotta go, Y/n. See you"

"Bye, see y-"

The lady sighed, tears filling her eyes as she put the horn back.


The ecstatic feeling that the five felt when they were standing on that stage was something you couldn't quite replace, vut if Y/n had to be quite frank, she was relieved when the airplane finally landed back in England.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now