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It wasn't a great shocker when Y/n ended up going on dates with William. They seemed to hit it off and everyone noticed that.

Turned out, they went to the same school, both in the sector of laws, Y/n in year three and William in year seven, the last.

Y/n sighed, looking at the ticking clock, before doodling mindlessly again. Four more years, Y/n thought, four more years.

"Before next Wednesday you have to have read chapter seven up until and including eleven with a short summary of each chapter!", Mr. Clicks shouted as the bell rang, making both Y/n and Cynthia shot up from their seats and out of the class.

"Y/n!", William shouted behind her.

"Hiya, Will!", she said back, as he hugged her quickly.

"So... do you have anything to do this weekend?"

"Well, I have to go to an important meeting with the band, but on Sunday I'll probably be available"

"Would you like to go out with me?"

"Yes, of course I would!", she exclaimed.

William nodded with a smile. "Alright, I'll call you okay?"

"Okay, see you then!"

Y/n turned away and walked towards Cynthia with a big grin.

"Yes, of course I would!", she mocked. "Bleh, people in love give me the icks"

"Shut up", her friend said with a smile.


"You sure he said 12 o'clock?", Roger asked his bandmates, as they waited for Freddie. As always.

"Yes. 'Midday at the pub, don't be drunk'", Brian quoted. "That's what he said"

"You look a bit nervous, Brian", John said.

"Nervous, he looks stressed", said Y/n in a voice that made clear she was smiling.

"John, I'm fine. Y/n, shut up will ya?", he laughed.

"You're always so particular", John continued, anyway.

"You just gotta be cool", Roger said.

"Yeah, if you just don't act like Rog than you'll be fine", the only woman smirked.

"Y/n, shut up"

"Yeah, sure, honey, will you do that too than?"

Roger rolled his eyes with a smile before landing them on Freddie.

"Wow!", exclaimed Brian, looking at Freddie. While he said that a random man said, 'Walker'.

"Could say the same about you, love!", Y/n shouted after the three man who immediately turned away in shame.

He was wearing a white jacket that looked like a lizard like white leather jacket, blue purple-ish shirt and pink glasses.

"I didn't know it was fancy dress, Fred"

"I've gotta make an impression, darling", Freddie answered simply.

"You're making an impression, for sure", Y/n said, smiling at her best friend, who sat next to her.

"You look like an angry lizard", Brian said.

"An adorable one at that, Frederick, don't worry", added Y/n, placing her hand on her best friend's shoulder.

Everyone laughed.

"It's your best work", John said.

"Very subtle"

"You gonna fly away?", he asked, sarcastically. "Can I borrow it for Sunday church?"

Nobody noticed a man walking up to their table, looking around, before grabbing a chair and setting it down at their table.

"So, this is Queen", John R. said.

Y/n nodded. "The one and only"

"And you must be Freddie Mercury and Y/n Y/l/n"

Y/n stood up and put out her hand. "Freddie Mercury, nice to meet you, darling", she said in a fake male voice making everyone laugh.

"You two've got a gift. You all have", Reid added. "So tell me... what makes Queen any different from all the other wannabe rock stars I meet?"

"I'll tell you what it is", the real Freddie began. "We're five misfits who don't belong together, playing to other misfits. The outcasts right at the back of the room who are pretty sure they don't belong either. We belong to them"

"We're a family", added Brian.

"But no two of us are the same", Roger said.

"What do you mean? I think Brian and I look pretty alike"

Everyone laughed, knowing they don't even look a bit like each other.

A man walked up to the table, setting a coffee down for mr. Reid.

"Paul... Paul Prenter, meet Queen... our new signing"

Roger looked at the man with a serious look.

"Paul will be looking after your day-to-day"

"Pleasure", Paul said.

"If I can get you on the radio, maybe I can get you on television"

"Top of the Pops?", Roger asked, interested.


"And then?", asked Freddie, swirling his finger as if saying 'continue'.

"And then... it's only the biggest television program in the country. No one's ever even heard of you!", exclaimed Reid. "Look, I admire your enthusiasm. If it goes well, if it happens... I've got a promotional tour of Japan in mind"

"We... w-we'll want more"

"Every band wants more"

"Every band's not Queen", Deaky said at last, making everyone smile.

"Period", Y/n added.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now