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So that's where they were standing right now. Ridge Farm, the summerhouse from Y/n's family.

The lot of them (Y/n, Freddie, Roger, Brian, John, Roadie John, Paul, Mary, Chrissie and a highly pregnant Veronica) were walking up the large hill.

Y/n's excitement was clear to everyone as she got faster and faster with each step, her long floral dress trailing behind her. Her suitcases were under her arms, another backpack on her back.

A smile formed on her face as she reached the top of the hill, she could see the beautiful house, the flowerfield that her mother was proud of, everything. She was finally back home.

In the distance she could hear the excited shouts from her family, her cousins, sister, mother, father, aunts, uncles, grandma, grandpa's, all her friends, they were there.

"Y/n!", everyone shouted and at that moment the woman dropped her suitcases and ran down the hill.

The rest finally caught up on the hill and laughed as they saw Y/n speeding down the hill.

"Freddie!", Elisabeth shouted, beckoning the man to come too.

Freddie was grinning madly as he caught up with Y/n and when the two finally made it down they ran into Y/n's mothers arms.

Elisabeth laughed as she wrapped her arms around the two and kissed the of her daughter's head.

"I've missed you both so much", she mumbled, into her daughter's hair. The others caught up quickly and set down their suitcases, Roger also setting Y/n's suitcases down that she had left up the hill. He looked around and his eyes settled on Donna, who was already talking to Y/n. Y/n was pointing to something behind her... Roger. Donna's face immediately lit up, looked at Roger and immediately nodded. Y/n had a smile on her face... obviously happy for her friends, yet she didn't feel completely content...

"By the way, you're idiots!", she said, looking at all her girl-friends.

"And why is that?", Susan asked, smirking at her best friend while her arm was around Debra.

"You've all left me without me knowing!", Y/n laughed, shaking her head. "You all haven't even written me letters! Really disappointing, guys!", she rolled her eyes in good humour.

Roger took his eyes off the woman, Y/n, before turning to the parents from the lady who were standing in front of him.

"Oh, hello, Mr. and Mrs. Y/l/n", he said, looking at them.

"You must be Roger", Elisabeth smiled, taking her warm hands into his. "My flower has told all about you and the guys to us", she nodded her head in the direction where John was happily talking to Y/n's uncle, Brian to Y/n's little sister and Freddie was catching up with her nephew.

"All good I hope", Roger joked, being cliché.

"Quite", Elisabeth smiled. "I'm Elisabeth and this is my husband, Albert"

Albert said nothing, just looked at the man.

"Come on, Albert, say hello"

"Hello", he said in annoyance, before walking to Brian.

"Don't mind him, he isn't best with talking to new people...", the woman tried to convince him.

Roger eyebrows were scrunched together as he watched the man walk back to Brian, who he immediately engaged with.

"I see..."

"Well, let's all get inside, yeah?", Y/n exclaimed, looking around, making everyone nod. Molly, her little sister, ran up to her older sister hooking her arm in her sister's.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now