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Freddie's father was reading the newspaper about his son in disappointment as his wife set down to cups of coffee. 

"What are you reading?"

"Just the cricket", he said.


"We're a rock and roll band", Roger said in annoyance, his wife in his arms. "We don't do disco"

"It's not disco", John told him, his arms crossed.

"Then what is it?", Brian asked.

"It's Queen"

"I'm sorry, my darlings! I lost all track!", Freddie spoke through the microphone in the control room.

"You fired Reid without consulting us, Fred!", Y/n said, standing up immediately. "You can't just make decisions for the band!"

"Hey", Brian said softly, raising his hand slightly as if to say 'it's okay'.

"Well, I'm terribly sorry, dear. It's done", said Freddie, walking into the room with a bottle of beer in his hand. "Besides... Miami will manage us"

Miami chuckled. 

"Won't you, darling?", he asked the nervous man.

"Um... I'll think about it"


"Are you high again?", Brian asked.

"Well done, Columbo", Freddie said with a flare of sarcasm.

"You need to slow down, Frederick", Y/n said, placing a comforting hand on his arm, but he shrugged it off.

Y/n looked down in pain, feeling as though there was another crack in their friendship.

"Oh, don't be such a bore, Taylor, I'm here, aren't I?"

"Are you?", she asked, looking away. 

"I don't care if you're shit-faced", John butted in, shoving a paper in the man's hands. "As long as you can sing"

He also gave Roger one, who immediately went in protest. "No, John. I don't wanna play it!"

Y/n laughed. 

"Than I'm all here for it", Freddie stated.

This made Paul chuckle. 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm tired of the bloody anthems. I want the energy in the clubs", the lead singer said. "The bodies. I want to make people move"

"You mean disco?", asked Brian.

"Why not?", Paul suddenly said.

"Last time I checked, you weren't a part of this band. So, please, keep that big, fat mouth of yours shut!", Y/n shouted, her teeth gritted.

"Drum loops? Synthesizers?", Roger asked, continuing about the song. 

"If you say so", Freddie shrugged.

"It's not us!"


"It's not Queen!"

"Queen is whatever I say it is!"

Y/n turned to him in shock. "Say that one more time, I fucking dare you!"

"Queen. Is. Whatever. I. Say. It. IS!", Freddie said, stepping closer, her husband, however, jumped in front of her.

"Well, you can play your own bloody drums, then", he spat, but he got shoved in the face by Freddie making a 'umpf' sound leave his mouth. 

 "Well, now he's done it", Y/n spoke quietly. 

"Okay, let's see how good a boxer you really are!", Roger shouted, taking confident strikes towards the man.

"Roger, my love, take it easy! Take it easy, love", his wife said, wrapping her arms around his torso.

Freddie kept jumping, as if challenging him, while John started playing a riff.

"All right, Muhammad Ali", Brian said, looking at Fred.

"That's really good, Deaks!", Y/n said, letting go of her husband and walking over to the man playing his bass.

"That's... that's... that's quite... that's quite a cool riff, actually...", Brian admitted as everyone calmed down. 

"Hm. You wrote that?"

John didn't respond, just continued playing. 

"That's really good"

John immediately stopped. "Yes, it will be... if you all...  can just shut up and play", he reasoned. 

"He started it", Freddie told Brian.

"Oh, shut up"

Deacon started playing the riff once more. 

"Steve walks warily down the street with the brim pulled way down low", Freddie began 'singing', circling Roger while Brian began playing his guitar.

"Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet! Machine guns ready to go. Are you ready? Are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?"

Y/n began nodding her head along, as she started to feel the song. 

"Out of the doorway the bullets rip"

"Okay, I'll do it!", Miami suddenly said, making the only woman in the band grin. 

"To the sound of the beat"

"I'll do it!", Miami repeated, cupping his mouth with his hands. 

And that's when the whole song began to come together. After a few minutes of whining from Y/n, Roger finally agreed to do the song. 

With a flare of theirselfs and an even bigger flare from John, the five put together a wonderful song that everyone seemed to love.

At the end of their band rehearsals, Freddie was the only one left. Panting loudly. 

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now