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It had been months since she last saw Freddie. Months without a call. Months without a letter. Months without her best friend.

A short while ago there was a notice about a large concert called Live Aid. A big concert to raise money with lots of big artists in it. Queen was invited too, but they kindly declined, for without Freddie, it wouldn't be the same.

But they soon found out it was a huge mistake, that they had to go.

'We can't just not accept,' Y/n said, sitting in her and Roger's living room with him, Brian, Miami and John. The children were all playing around, except for little Lunette, who was sleeping in her nursery.

'We already declined, and anyway, Freddie's not even there. What would they think of us, huh? We're becoming irrelevant,' Brian said, crossing his arms in annoyance.

'Like hell we're irrelevant! So what if Freddie's not here? If I can't get him to come back we'll go alone!' Y/n said, looking away.

Everyone stayed silent for a bit.

'I'll go see him soon, I'll search him. Ask him if he wants to come, or whatever,' she said now more quietly.

'And if he doesn't, love, what then?' Roger asked, wrapping his arm around her, making her look at him.

'Well, then, screw him!' She exclaimed, making the others chuckle. 'We still have a guitarist, a bassist, a drummer and a singer. If I remember correctly, that makes a full band,' Y/n said, settling further into her husbands arms with a sassy look on her face.

'We can always try,' John shrugged. 'And indeed, if he doesn't want to come along, screw him.'

The four laughed a bit.

'I don't even know if I want to see his face at the moment,' Brian said truthfully, staring out of the window.

'I hate to break the mood,' Miami said, leaning back on his chair, his legs crossed over each other. 'But I'm not sure if we're still able to get you in... I believe the artists have already been chosen.'

The band fell silent, looking down a bit. Roger sighed, 'All because we didn't know if we could go without Fred.'

Y/n placed her hand on his knee, 'We can always try. Miami, you have a lot of contacts, right?'


'Well, then I'm sure you can manage something,' she nodded, closing off the matter for herself.


Not a lot of time later she went to search for Freddie. With all the press and Freddies... not so private lifestyle anymore, it wasn't hard to find his location.

'You want me to go with you, my love?' Roger asked her for the thousandth time, taking her face in his hands.

'No, Rog... I think this is something I want to deal with myself...'

He seemed unsure, his eyes scanning her face for any form of insincerity, but she seemed confident in what she said.

He nodded and placed a kiss on her forehead and then on her lips. 'If anything goes wrong, please go home immediately,' he said softly, his green eyes staring into her own e/c ones.

Y/n nodded with a soft smile on her lips, 'You don't have to worry, Mary will be there too, nothing's going to happen,' she gave one final kiss and then walked to her car. 'I'll be back in a few hours!'

And so there she was, driving herself to the location he stayed in. Never in her life she felt nervous to come see Freddie, but something about the way they left things and the insecurity of his state made her heart beat fast; her throat had the feeling of barfing and her fingers were trembling.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now