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"Do you ..." Y/n cut herself off, looking at her breakfast while her children played outside. "Do you think my father still lives where we used to live?"

It was a month after the band break up.

Roger glanced up at his wife curiously, batting his eyelashes in thought. "I don't know, my love ... why?"

"Perhaps it's time I see him ... it's been, what? Twenty years? I want to see him," she said surely, nodding to herself.

Her husband looked at her for a few seconds. "If you want to, you can go ... you have every right to ... it's your biological father," he said, weighing his words. Y/n had been on the emotional side of things after Freddie's abandonment, also being highly pregnant.

"I want you to come too," she told him. "And our kids too. They have his blood in them, they have the right to meet their grandfather. And you your, kind of, father-in-law."

Roger laughed, "Kind of father-in-law?"

"Well ... Albert, papa, is ... was your father-in-law," Y/n smiled.

"We can meet him," he finally told her.


"Mummy, where are we going?" Caspian asked, looking outside of the car window.

"You'll see, love," Y/n smiled at her little male mini her and then at M/n, passed out asleep next to her twin brother; she had played with Robert, Deaky's son and her little crush, the whole morning before arrival.

"Will it still take long?" Caspian asked kindly, swinging his legs a bit.

"Twenty minutes or so, sweetheart," Roger said, placing his hand on his wife's thigh.


Twenty minutes later they finally arrived at Y/n's childhood home. It was that moment, the moment she saw that old yellow painted cottage, that the doubts kicked in.

"You coming, my love?" Roger asked, opening Y/n's door, while the kids were already outside.

"What if ... what if he's not here anymore?" Y/n asked doubtfully.

"He'll be here, the gardens seem to be beautifully kept, there are chairs outside," Roger glanced at the garden before taking her hands in his and kissing them both.

"What if he doesn't want to see me?"

"Then we'll know, then you can have closure," he smiled.

Y/n nodded and got out of the car. "Well, let's do this then."

"Mummy, where are we?" M/n asked, tugging at her mother's sleeve.

"My childhood home, sweetheart," she told her daughter, picking the six year old up, for she was still on the small side.

M/n giggled, wrapping her arms around her mother's neck.

Caspian pouted his lip, looking at his father, making him sigh with a smile. "Well, come on then," he said, picking him up.

Y/n had already walked to the fence, but stopped once more in hesitance, turning to her husband.

"Rog, my love, what if this will be nothing like I expected?"

Roger and Caspian walked up to them, and Roger placed a hand on his wife's shoulder. "It will be."

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now