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Y/n groaned, slowly waking up, only to feel wet between her legs.

With a gasp, she shot up, but stopped when she felt an aching pain in her lower back and abdomen.

The gasp woke Roger up in an instant and he looked at her in worry. "Love, what's wrong?", he asked her, rubbing his eyes to wake himself up.

"Roger... I think I'm going in labour..."

Her husband's eyes widened as he heard that and immediately jumped out of their bed. He began running around in panic, grabbing all the things he thought he'd need, but Y/n stood still. She had never seen Roger in this type of panicked state.

Still a bit confused of the situation, she grabbed some clothes and walked over to their bathroom, calmly starting to do her hair and make-up.

After a few minutes, her brain finally started working and she grabbed the phone that was on the bathroom counter, dialing her mother's number.

It rang once, it rang twice, on the third ring she finally picked up.

"Hello, with Elisabeth Y/l/n", her mother's sweet voice said.

"Heyyyy, mummy...", Y/n said while putting on some eyeshadow.

"Y/n, love? What makes you call me at... seven AM?"

"I think I'm in labour", she shrugged, even though her mother couldn't see her.

"'I think I'm in labour'", Elisabeth mocked. "And you're acting this calmly?!"

"Yeah...", Y/n dragged on, mostly focused on getting the eyeshadow nicely done.

"I'm freaking out!", she heard Roger shout.

"... was that... Roger?", Y/n's mother asked carefully.


"Y/n, my love?! Where are you?! I swear to fucking God, my wife disappeared!"

"I'M OVER HE–", she cut herself off when she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, sighing out in relief as it disappeared again. "Ouch."

"Was that a contraction, darling?", her mother sweetly asked.

"I-I guess so"

"Stay calm, I'm on my way!"

"I think you need to tell Roger that, not me", Y/n laughed.

But her mother didn't hear it, for she had already hang up the call.

The woman in labour set down the horn and continued with her hair, humming softly.

"Y/n, are you–", Roger stopped in the doorway of their bathroom, starting to laugh. "Are you seriously doing your make-up while you're about to give birth to our baby boy?"

"Girl. And yes", his wife said, proudly raising her chin. "I called my mother, I'm doing my make-up and I'm taking my time", she told him, laughing.

"Have you felt another contraction?", Roger asked in worry, walking up to her.

"God, yes", she sighed, nodding her head.

"We're supposed to be timing them! You're just doing your make-up, while we're supposed to time your contractions", he laughed incredulously.

Y/n burst out laughing. "I didn't time them"

"Do you know how many minutes are in between them?"

"They're like a couple minutes apart..."

"A couple of minutes?!", Roger turned around, running a hand through his hair. "Oh, boy"

Y/n laughed again. "Love you!", she shouted after him, before turning back to her mirror.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now