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Goodbye everybody. I've got to go, gotta leave you all behind and face the truth

Freddie and Y/n sang together, sitting behind a piano in an empty room. They had finally finished their song after years of writing it.

Mama, oh, I don't wanna die, I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all

The two looked at each other.

"This one's going places, Frederick, I'm telling you", Y/n told him.

Freddie simply nodded.

And so, they were beginning to record the song with the whole band and came to the point of Brian's guitar solo. Like always, his solo was amazing, yet something in it didn't really feel right for Freddie.

John stopped the recording while Freddie sighed.

"What next?", Brian asked.

"That was pretty damn good", Freddie said. "Brilliant. I loved that"

Brian raised the guitar, putting his mouth near the microphone. "Press the button, Freddie"

Freddie was being taught where the button was, but he shrugged it off. "I know where it is, I know. Knock knock"


Y/n walked up next to Freddie. "It was good... uhm... you know, play it like you wrote it"

"Well, I did, I wrote that part", Brian told her with a smile.

The woman grinned. "Taking the piss"

"Okay. Are you happy?"

"I think it's beautiful, it's almost perfect"


"Yes, gimme more rock 'n roll", she finally said.

"Well, I'm always up for that, Y/n/n"

"Put your body into it", Freddie butted  in.

"Alright, okay", Brian began wiggling his body. "Putting my body into it, I got it"

"No, not like that"

"No, no, I've got it. A bit more soul, a bit more soul"

"A bit more heart", Freddie said, looking down.

"I've got that. We're good to go?"


"Then, there's the operatic section", Y/n smiled. "You're gonna love it!", she exclaimed.

"The operatic section", Brian repeated, lightly confused.

"I know, it sounds crazy"

"I love it, Y/n/n"

"I know it could be a flop, it could work"

"I love it", Brian told her, now louder.

Y/n laughed softly. "What have we got to loose"

Brian also laughed, looking at her with a smile. "Nothing"

"If you say so"

"Okay, let's go"

"Deaky?", Y/n asked, turning around, making the man push the button.

Wish I'd never been born at all

And so Bri began to play again.

On another day, the operation began.

"Galileo! Galileo! Galileo, figaro. How was that?"



"Can you go a bit higher, Roggie?", Y/n asked him, looking at him with a soft smile.

"Love, if I go any higher only dogs would hear me", he told her.

"Hey! It's not for only one target audiences, sweetie", she smirked at him.

"Try", Freddie butted in.

"Freddie's note, sorry", John said.

"Go on than, roll the tape"

"Take twenty-four of... Y/n/n's and Fred's... thing"

"Galileo! Galileo! Galieo figaro. How was that? Better?"


Brian pointed up, for if Roger didn't hear it.

"Jesus, how many more Galileos do you want?"

"Freddie just wants to do a few overdubs", John told him.

"Do we even have any tape left?", Roger asked in annoyance.

"I do have to say, the tape is wearing out. It can't take much more"

"We can't afford much more, we're already three weeks over schedule"

"Take twenty-six of Y/n/n and Fred's... thing"

"Galileo, Galileo, Galileo Figaro. Galileo, Galileo, Galileo Figaro. Galileo, Galileo, Galileo Figaro! Who even is Galileo? Galileo, Galileo, Galileo Figaro!"

And finally after what felt like hours, Freddie was convinced.

"My nuts feel like they're in my chest right now. Are we done?"

"That's it, well done", Y/n smiled at him and all of a sudden, his annoyance seemed to have faded.

I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me

He's just a poor boy, from a poor family, spare him his life from this monstrosity

Roger and Y/n sang together.

"It's beautiful. I love it!"

Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?

Bismillah no! We will not let you go

Let him go!

Bismillah, we will not let you go

Let him go!

Bismillah, we will not let you go

Let me go!

Will not let you go

Let me go!

Will not let go!

Let me go!

Will not let go!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no

Oh, mamma mia, mamma mia, mamma mia let me go, Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me!

And then all hell broke loose, one of the boys fell down, in turn another fell down and soon, Y/n, Roger, Freddie and John were laying on the ground while Brian still stood his ground, laughing his ass off.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now