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"What was this?"

Y/n's eyebrows scrunched together. "What do you mean, Rog?"

"What was this little rendezvous?", he asked her, he wasn't grinning like he had been the whole evening. No. His face was full on serious.

"Er... it was a... friendly date", she spoke unsure, not knowing what to answer. What if she found this a real date, but he didn't?

Roger scoffed and looked away while shaking his head. "Of course. Friendly. We're just friends, right? That's what you're trying to convince me to believe? Because let me tell you this, that's fucking bullshit"


"We're flirting all the damn time, nearly kissing and you're trying to tell me we're friends?"


What the fuck was she supposed to say? I like you more than a friend?

"What are you trying to tell me by this Roger?"

"That I fucking love you, okay?!", he shouted. "I've been hitting on you since day fucking one and you haven't even noticed!"

"That's because you told me you fucking loved Donna! What was I supposed to do?!", she shouted back.

"How many fucking times do I have to make clear I don't fucking love Donna?! I couldn't care less about that woman! And you tried to set me up with her, make her kiss me, everything! Is Donna the person who I go to every other day to just spend time with?! Huh?! Or did I ever try to make a move on her?! Hm?"

Tears were in Y/n's eyes as he shouted at her, he had never actually shouted at her, so this was very different for her.

"No", she muttered, looking out the window.

"Precisely! I've been trying to confess to you for months and you were blind enough to not notice!"

"I'm sorry, okay?", she said as the tears flooded her eyes.

"I don't think you understand how fucking smitten I am for you! You don't wanna know how fast my heart beats whenever you're around me! You can get me to blush for crying out loud!"

"I'm sorry I haven't noticed", Y/n whispered as she looked down.

"So if you asked me what this rendezvous was, I'd tell everyone we had the most wonderful date. But what did you see in this?"

A date. An amazing date that she hadn't ever had with William. Was she gonna tell him that? Was this the time? It had to be. Now that even Roger was in tears she knew she had to tell him. She couldn't leave him hanging for any longer, if he had crushed on her since day one, than it had been enough.

"I found this as the most wonderful date too, Rog"

"You can find this a wonderful date, but do you like me back? I swear, if you do not... if I'm reading into this in the wrong way, tell me. I don't think I can go on longer with pining after you, but getting nothing in turn. If you do not I'll move o–"

And at that moment, Y/n's lips were on Roger's. Her left hand was on his cheek the other tangled in his hair. The man smiled into the kiss and place his hands on her waist, pulling her into his lap.

"I– like– you– too– Rog", Y/n said between kisses, making the grin widen on his face. His tongue swiped across her bottom lip, asking for permission to enter her mouth making her gladly comply. Now the fight began. They both wanted dominance in the kiss (something Roger wasn't quite used to, seeing as he always got the dominance in a kiss). The man's hand fell down to her bottom, lightly squeezing it. Y/n tangled her fingers further into his hair while her other hand went lightly under his t-shirt. The kiss was everything they'd ever imagined it to be, but even better. But before things could get too heated someone honked its horn at them. The woman scrambled off his lap, getting back into her seat, her cheeks hot.

Once the car had passed, they started laughing.

"Such a cockblock", Y/n grinned at the man she had just kissed.

He scoffed. "Honestly"

"Not like it would've been te best sex in here..."

Roger laughed. "Every sex I do is the best, love"

"So...", Y/n sighed. "Roger..."

"Yes, love?"

"Please tell me this whole 'I love you' fight was not just a way to get to kiss me... and that you actually meant it"

"Of course I mean it! I meant every word I said... you know I wouldn't lie to you"

"Donna", was all that Y/n responded making him glare at her.

"And... that's why you would do me the biggest honour if you'd let me be your boyfriend. So Y/n/n would you give me the honour of me calling myself your boyfriend?"

"Could you have asked it any cringier?", the woman snorted, but nodded her head rapidly. "Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend"

Roger smiled and reached over once more to place a fast kiss on her lips, before pulling away. "Well, my love, we better should get going"

"You're right, my dear", she responded and so he started the car, he placed his hand on her thigh, taking her by surprise. She liked it, obviously, but he sure did have a lot of confidence for that one. 

Your Song by Elton John was playing and a peaceful quiet was set between the two. 

Roger was singing along softly as he focused on the road. Once in a while his hand would leave her thigh, but then he'd put it back a few seconds later. A smile was on Y/n's face as she turned her head in his direction. 

He'd look so concentrated, he had put his glasses on so he could see the road clearly. 

Boyfriend. Roger was her boyfriend. How awesome is that?

Roger thought the same. She's my girlfriend now. How awesome is that?

They were surprised that as they walked in together hand-in-hand to see everyone still sitting in the living room.

Freddie gasped when he saw their interlocked hands. "So you finally got the courage to ask her, yeah?"

Y/n and Roger looked at each other and nodded, grinning widely.

"Ha! Pay up mate!", Brian exclaimed looking at John. Mary was holding her hand out to Chrissy, Freddie to Sarah.

"Did you guys seriously place bets on us?", Roger asked, dumbfounded.

Everyone nodded in response.

All of a sudden a swarm of girls pulled Y/n away from her boyfriend.

"Tell. Us. Everything", surprisingly Donna was the one who said it.


At about two o'clock Y/n could finally go to bed and saw Roger already laying in it.

"Hello, Rog", she said walking up to him.

"Hello, love"

She walked up to her closet, grabbing some shorts and a tanktop.

"Don't. Look", she told Roger who was already eyeing her.

"Alright. Alright", he responded, sighing and looking away.

Y/n quickly changed and hopped into bed, laying closer to Roger than she always had before, yet it didn't seem close enough for Roger who pulled her even closer than before. Her head laid on his chest, which was going up and down softly, one hand was on his lower back while the other was behind his head. Would this be their new usual? She didn't know, but all she did know: she would enjoy every minute of it.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now