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That relief was short-lived. Y/n made sure that Roger drove her home quickly that day. She threw her suitcases on the ground, showered, changed, did her hair and make-up and once the doorbell rang, she opened the door.

There he was, William, standing with a frown on her face.

Y/n sighed happily, running up to him and wrapping her arms around him. She could feel that he was tense in her arms, but after a few seconds he also wrapped his arms around her.

"I've missed you, so, so much!", the woman said into his shoulder while he stayed dead silent.

She beckoned him to follow her inside  her house and set him on her bed sitting right next to him.

He still hadn't said a word.

"Okay, what is wrong, Will?", she asked, looking desperately into his eyes. "Hey! Talk to me. Talk to me!", her voice cracked, as she grabbed his face in her warm hands.

"About what? That I don't feel like this is working?"


"You have a very different life now, Y/n...", he sighed. "And I'm so happy that you're doing that and get the recognition that you deserve. But you'll have a million different things to do and I do not see myself being along your side through this whole thing"

"No... don't talk like that... please, don't talk like that! We can make it work!"

"I'm never gonna fit into your rock n' roll world. That's just never gonna happen to me, it's never gonna work for me"

"I don't have to go on with this band, okay? I-", Y/n said, getting up from her bed to look down on him.

"Yes, you do!", William shouted back, also standing up.

"I can stay here!"

"No!", William said firmly, grabbing onto both her arms. "You see that's exactly what I'm talking about"

"Than you can come with me", Y/n said, pain in her voice.

"To those tours?"

"Yes!", she told him, looking from his right eye to the left over and over again.

"What am I gonna do on tours?", he asked, quietly.

"... be with me?", she asked, desperately.

After seconds of silence he chuckled. "Yeah"

"I don't know", whispered William, looking down. "We don't have to figure this out tonight, you know? We finish till your next tour and see what happens"

"... so you mean you want to break up?", Y/n asked softly, tilting her head.

"All I'm saying is we gotta see how this goes later on"

She scoffed softly, looking away with tears in her eyes. "Are you breaking up with me?"

"I don't see how we're gonna work"

"I see...", the woman said, sadness in her voice while her walked back towards the door. "Please... don't do this. You don't mean it! How are you gonna do it? Why wait until next tour, huh? Why don't you just do it right now! Huh? Come on! Do it! Do it!"

"Oh, stop this. Don't be so dramatic!", he shouted, looking at her in anger and slapping her on the head.

"Stop it! You know what? I'm gonna do it! It's over, okay? It's over!"

"Come here", William said, opening his arms.

"Don't touch me"

"I'm gonna go"

"Okay, leave!"

Her now ex-boyfriend opened the door, walking down the few steps that led him to the busy streets of London.

"No, no... wait a minute, we're not really breaking up, right?", Y/n asked, tears rolling down her cheeks. "This is just a dumb fight we're having and tomorrow it's like nothing happened, right?"

She got no response as William walked further and further away from her, burying her further into the ground as she watched with doe eyes.

At that moment only her heart broke. She could've seen this end coming, they weren't the best for a while, but had she expected this to happen on the day of her return? No.

More tears streamed down her face as she walked back into her house and looked around. Only now had she seen how empty the house was.

She knew that a lot of friends had moved out of this house, some of them had left months before tour, but only now did she notice that even Debra wasn't there anymore.

All the furniture that belonged to others were out, the TV was still there, luckily. A lot of pictures were gone, some chairs. And in a moment like this it made her feel even more lonely.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now