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A month later, Y/n said goodbye to William in his house.

"I'll call you every day, I'll tell you about everything I've endured that day, okay?"

Her boyfriend nodded absentmindedly. Confused, Y/n kissed his cheek expecting him to at least connect their lips for the last time in months, but that never happened.

"Bye", he simply said, before stepping back.

The y/h/c haired girl her eyes went all over his face, trying to see any form of emotions. None.

Behind her, she could hear a car pulling up... Roger.

"I will miss you", Y/n said, hugging him, but he didn't hug her back, he simply hummed.

"I see..."

With that she grabbed her suitcases and walked away from the flat he lived in. He didn't even wait till she was gone before he walked back into the building, sparing no second glances.

Roger happily got out of the car.

"My lady", he said in a fake posh accent, taking her suitcases and putting them into his trunk.

"Thank you", Y/n whispered, walking towards the passenger seat.

The blonde haired man frowned as he got in his seat and turned towards her.

"W-what happened?", he asked carefully, softly placing his hand on her knee.

'You're probably hooking up with him while I'm gone'

Y/n took his hand off her knee, shaking her head.

"Hey... are you okay?"

"Can we- can we please just drive?"

Slowly, Roger nodded his head, putting his keys in the keyhole.

The woman could hear the car roaring as they rode out of the street and towards the highway. Roger had taken the sign that she didn't want to talk and she was more than happy that he respected that. A lot of the times Roger would keep on asking until he finally got the answer that he needed. The sky was grey, making an even more depressing setting. The man next to her was whistling along with Brown Eyed Girl from van Morrison that was playing softly on the radio.

"How are the others going to the airport?", Y/n asked softly after a while.

"They wanted to go with the train, don't ask me why"

The woman nodded while putting her left foot on the seat, laying her forehead on it.

"William and I had a fight yesterday. The same one like the one from last month", she said out of the blue, catching Roger off guard.

He slowly turned his head to her, a frown on his face.

"That's already the seventh in two weeks... he... he didn't even look at me or speak to me as we said our goodbyes. He didn't look like he would miss me and... and some day he's going to say this is love, when clearly it's not", Y/n sighed and looked at Roger.

"I don't know what to do, Rogerick, I honestly do not..."

"You have enough time to think about what you want to do with this relationship... you won't see him for months... maybe it's good"

He softly placed his hand on hers, patting it before placing his hands back on the steering wheel.

"He...", Y/n chuckled bitterly. "He thinks we will hook up while he's not there. I've told him many times I don't like you like that, but he just doesn't seem to believe me. I don't know why he thinks that I would cheat on him"

I don't like you like that

Ouch. Roger licked his lips, as he reverted his eyes back to the road.

"I don't know either, Y/n/n"


An hour or so later, the two arrived at the airport. Y/n dragged her suitcases behind her as she looked around, trying to spot the others.

It didn't take long, for she spotted a tall, poodle within seconds.

"Hey, guys!", the woman exclaimed with all the happiness she could muster up.

"Hello, my love!", Freddie said, happily taking her into his arms. She was tense in his arms and he noticed. "Y/n?", he asked, placing his index finger and thumb under her chin.

"Hm?", responded Y/n, looking her best friend in the eyes.

"What's wrong?"


Freddie looked around before getting closer to her ears. "My dear, I've known you for what? 9 years? You think I don't know when something is wrong with you?"

No response was there, making him sigh and take her hand pulling her along with him.

"Where are you going?", Brian asked, eyeing the two, while wrapping his arms around Chrissie.

"I just need to talk to her really quick"

Freddie took Y/n to a completely different part of the airport, standing in a corner where nobody was.

"Okay, Y/n, you're concerning me, what's wrong?", he asked softly, looking from left to her right to her left to her right eye as if trying to search her eyes for any emotions.

She sighed. "I just don't know what to do...", the woman confessed, looking down.

"What to do with what, my dear?"

"William... he- I- we- he just- he's been so distant lately... and whenever he does talk to me all he says is that he doesn't trust Roger and I together. Just today, when we said our goodbyes he didn't utter a word.... we won't see each other for months and he's acting like this, it- I don't know... it just hurts me and he doesn't seem to give a rats ass, like he wants our relationship to end"

Freddie listened intently, his eyes never leaving her face. "And do you want this relationship to end?"

"No! Yes! I- I don't know!"

Tears formed in her eyes and her best friend immediately took this as a sign to wrap his arms around her.

Silently, Y/n's eyes flooded with the tears that she tried to fight back for more than a month.

"Oh, my love, it's all gonna be alright. Everything's going to end up fine", Freddie mumbled into her hair.

She didn't respond, just held onto him tightly letting out all the emotions she had bottled up.

"But you know what?"


"He should be the least of your concerns. 'cause this is it, Y/n/n! We're finally going to places we belong!"

A few minutes later they got back to the guys, ready to check in.

And guess what? It indeed was Y/n's least concern what William thought. Because they were finally getting there.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now