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"What was it like singing for all those people?", Mary asked to the back of Freddie's head, both of them fully or mostly naked.

"When I know they're listening... when I know Y/n and I really have them... we... at least I couldn't sing off-key if I tried", her boyfriend answered honestly while Montserrat Caballe played softly in the background. "I'm exactly the person I was always meant to be"

Mary smiled softly at that.

"I'm not afraid of anything", he whispered before pausing. "The only other time I ever feel that way is when I'm with you"

"And Y/n", his girlfriend truthfully said.

"It's not about Y/n right now... this is about you", Freddie pulled himself up and climbed over Mary, pointing a finger at her.

"Don't move"

She sat up anyways.

"Don't move!", Freddie faced her, his hands on behind his back while Mary smiled softly.

"You're the love of my life"

At that, Mary's hand went under his chin.

Her boyfriend finally brought the item behind his back to the front making her eyes widen.

A beautiful diamond ring was on display.

"Freddie", Mary whispered. He looked at her expectedly, making her smirk. "Which finger do I put this on?"

The man in front of her gasped softly. "Wedding finger... will you marry me?", he finally asked, staring deeply into his lover's eyes, making her nod and him smile.

"Yes!", she answered happily, before crashing their lips against each others.

"Are you gonna leave it in the box?", her fiancé questioned after pulling away.

His fiancé chuckled, taking the beautiful ring out of the box.

"Freddie, it's beautiful. I love it"

"Promise me you'll never take it off"

"Oh, I promise"

"No matter what"

"I love you, Freddie. You're going to do such great things"

"We're going to do great things"

Just when they were about to kiss, somebody knocked on their door, Roger walking in immediately after.

"Rog, what was the purpose of knocking if you weren't going to be waiting for an answer anyway?", Y/n asked, following behind him, her school uniform on. Freddie chuckled as he noticed that as always her left kneesock was down.

"Your phone's off the hook", Roger stated. "This is Crystal", he said, pointing at the groupie he had brought along.


"Oh, that's right. My mistake"

"You're an ass, you know that right? At least get to know their names", Y/n said, looking at her friend in disappointment, trying to stick up for the girl.

Cheryl sighed before turning to Freddie and Mary. "Where's the loo?"

"Uh, just down the hall"

"Oh, come on in. Make yourselves at home. Don't mind us", Freddie said sarcastically.

"Hello, Mary. How's your dad?", Brian asked, already busy opening a bottle of champagne.

"Yeah, pretty well, thanks", she answered sweetly.


Freddie looked at the man suspiciously. "What's going on, Brian?"

"Well, if you'd answered your phone, you'd know already"

"This really isn't a good time, guys"

Y/n looked at Mary than at the latter's hands, before gasping and running over to her.

"So you finally did it, Frederick?", she asked, taking the woman's hand in hers. "Oh, it's beautiful, congrats you too"

Mary was trying her best to hold up the blanket while Y/n hugged her happily.

"John Reid called today, he has a little tour in mind for us", Brian said.

"It's not little, Brian", Y/n and Roger said at the same time.

"He's booked us a tour of America", Roger continued.

"The album's hit the charts in the US!", Y/n exclaimed, making Freddie form his mouth in an O.

"Oh, yes... Yes!"

Roger laughed, as he wrapped his arm around Y/n, taking her with him towards John, Brian and Freddie.

Everyone laughed happily as Brian exclaimed, "It's happening!"

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now