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"Oh, how lovely they look", Y/n said, staring at the cribs of their new born babies.

"M/n has got your nose, love", Roger said, staring at the baby girl.

"But definitely your eyes", she agreed.

"And Caspian has yours and your nose. I know who's his favourite is already", her husband said in mock annoyance.

"Stay jealous", Y/n responded, before walking out of the room, leaving the babies to rest.


"I've never seen anyone interact with a crowd like that", John Reid said after a concert.

"Bigger than any band, don't you think?" Paul asked. "I mean Queen? How long can that last?"

"Did he say something to you?", John asked because of Paul's sudden thoughts.

"Not explicitly", he began. "But we've had some interest from CBS Records about a solo deal", Paul told him, taking out a card from a pocket.

"Well, that's a big number..."

"That's a Freddie-size number. You should be the one to propose it"

"And what about Y/n, hm? They love her, also", Reid said.

Paul stayed silent for a bit, looking away. "Apparently not enough"

"Hi, guys. How's it going?", Miami asked, standing next to them.


"Everything's great",  John said.

"John, another drink?", Paul asked.

"Er, no, I'm fine"

Freddie walked through the door. 

"Freddie!" Mary exclaimed, giggling. 

'Oh, there you are", Freddie said happily, picking her up and spinning her around. 

"Oh, God! Freddie! Put me down!", once she got put down she chuckled. "You were brilliant!"

"ah, that's only because I knew you were watching"

"I've missed you!"

"We have so much to catch up on!", Freddie told her when a guy came walking up to him.

"Oh, thank you", he said, taking a glass of champagne.

"Oh, this is my boyfriend, David", Mary said awkwardly. "David, this is Freddie"

"Magnificant show", David smiled,

"Thank you... it's so kind of you, I appreciate it", Freddie clapped the man on his hands. "Thank you so much", but then his face fell as he looked at Mary's ring.

"Where's your ring?"

"I just didn't want to travel with something so valuable", Mary smiled.

"Freddie, there are some people for you to see, you'd promised to say hello", Paul butted in, taking them out of their conversation.

"Did I?"


"You should go", Mary pushed. "Will I see you soon?"

Freddie chuckled. "Yes, of course. Of course"

He kissed her cheek with a loud 'mwah' and looked at David. "It's a pleasure to meet you, David"

"And you. A-and well done again", he responded.

"And you", Freddie answered, repeating the words David had said.

"Bye", Mary whispered.

"Thank you for coming such a long way!"

Freddie, John and Paul were riding in a car, to discuss the matter about the interest.

"Then you've got the MTV interview and... the plane to Houston for the special back here on Friday...", John said. "Listen to me, now: do you know who sold 4% of all the records purchased last year? World wide?"

Freddie stayed silent, staring out the window.

"Michael Jackson. Not the Jackson 5. Michael Jackson. And I think you could do even better"

John closed his book. "In fact, I've had an offer from CBS Records. It's a lot of money for you, Fred, and I think you should consider it"

"Are you asking me to break up the band?", Freddie finally asked.

"I'm just pointing out what awaits you if you go solo. An end to your frustrations"

"My frustrations? A-and what about Y/n, hm? It's always been just us, and now you want me to leave her? All alone?"

"Paul?", John looked at the man.

He stayed silent, trying to muster up some words. "I-I don't know what you're talking about, John"

John glared at him, while Freddie turned to him. "Perhaps I misunderstood..."

Freddie pressed a button in annoyance. 

"Yes, sir?"

"Pull over. Stop the car! Pull over!"

They did exactly what was told and stopped. In the middle of the road.

"Get out, now. Get out"


"You're fired!"

"What're you talking about, fired?", John asked, raising his voice.

"I said get out. I said get out!"

"Freddie! You are high! What are you talking about?!"

"I said get out! Out! Out or I'll kill you!", Freddie didn't even look at the man's face. "Get out, you treacherous piss flap"

"You're not thinking clearly"

"Get your ass out of my car. Now! GET OUT!"

John glanced at Paul, while people were shouting from outside.


Freddie opened John's door with a force. "Get your ass out of my car! GET OUT!"

"You're firing the wrong snake, Freddie. You'll regret it", was all that John said before slamming the door. 


Quickly, Reid threw his book on the car. 

"Hey, watch it! I'll run your ass over!", a random guy said.

Inside the car, Mercury was drinking all his troubles away; exhaling loudly. 

"Did you know anything about this?", Freddie asked John, his voice hoarse.

"I warned him against it. Pure greed", the traitor said.

"Tried to break up my family... Y/n and I..."

"We can manage the band! We don't need him"

"What do you know about what I need?", asked Freddie softly, looking anywhere but Paul.

"I know what it's like... not to belong... A queer Catholic boy from Belfast", Paul said. "You know... I think my father would rather see me dead..." (me too) "than let me be who I am"

"I'm gonna take care of you now, Freddie"

The man began dabbing at his eyes. 

"If you let me"

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now