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Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Queen's new hit single, was blasting in the background as the party kept going.

Gasps filled the room as Freddie came walking downstairs, wearing the royal outfit he wore all the time on stage. A crown was on his head, another more 'feminine' in his hand.

"Ah, Freddie, you've outdone yourself!", John Reid shouted as the man mentioned strutted towards his living room.

"Thank you, darling, so glad you love it", he responded before some random man shoved something in his hands. "Ooh. They say money can't buy you happiness, darling", said he before throwing the presents into the crowd. "But it does allow you to give it away"

"I see you and Paul got along well now", Reid told him.

"He's Trixie now... he's always up to something"

On the other side of the room, the others were sitting.

"So tell me, Rog, what is the sexiest part of a car?", Brian smirked looking at the man who was beneath his pregnant wife.

Y/n laughed, turning her head around while Roger just rolled his eyes and buried his head into her shoulder.

Freddie walked to them a few seconds  later, after whispering something in one of his guests ears, the feminine crown still in his hand.

"Well, well, well!", he exclaimed, making a turn.

"Your majesty", said Brian.

"Your majesty? We're majesties, darling", he said, placing down the crown onto Y/n's head before plopping down onto the couch, spilling some of his champagne in the process.


Everyone laughed as they looked at him.

"Yes! Cheers!", Freddie shouted making the rest respond, putting their glasses together.

"To you, my love", he said to Y/n, before placing his hand on her stomach. "And to her"

"How are you so sure it's a girl, hm?", she asked him, smiling as his hand was still on her lower belly.

"We think it's a boy", Roger told him, raising his eyebrows.

"We'll see in time, darling... anyways... Where's Mary?", Fred asked, looking around the place.

"It's not exactly her scene, is it Freddie?", Brian told him, while Freddie took off his crown.

"Fabulous, isn't it?"

"If you say so"

Paul walked over to the man, refillung the glass of champagne.

Roger carefully (as to not hurt his wife) leaned forward to let his glass be refilled as well, but Paul ignored him, making the man sigh.

The curly-haired man glanced between Paul and Freddie. "You're starting to look like each other"

"What's wrong with that, Brian?"

"You're supposed to be in a rock-band, Freddie, not the village people", Y/n told him, turning her head away from her husband to her 'best friend'.

He laughed. "You're starting to sound an awful lot like Roger, love, you think it's good you're together if this is the consequence?"

"What the fuck?", Roger looked mad, as he watched his mate, the laugh that had erupted from him from his wife's remark long forgotten.

"It was a joke, darling, don't take everything so seriously", Freddie laughed when Super Freak by Rick James started playing. "Come on! Let's dance!"

"Yeah!", gasped Paul.

"I don't dance, Freddie"

"And I quite literally can't even stand up because of this little fucker", Y/n laughed, pointing at her stomach that was very apparent in her tight dress.

"I need a few more of these, for that", John said, looking at his champagne.

"It's my party and I demand you dance"

Roger looked at Y/n who shook her head. "We should go", he muttered into her ear.

"By royal degree!"

Paul and Freddie giggled while Roger helped his wife get up. "We're gonna go, actually"

"My God, you're dull, if you'd be more dull, you'd be Deaky"

"You can't say that about your fucking friend, Freddie!", Y/n exclaimed, looking at John before looking at Freddie once more.

"You're becoming boring, lovey, I miss the old Y/n... she'd laugh"

"Old Y/n? You mean, minor Y/n? Yeah  as a kid... I used to think you were cool... that Y/n would laugh... but that was when you were nice to others", she said, looking at him with no emotion.


"Come on, my love", Y/n said, mumbling beneath her breath and taking his hand in hers.

"I don't even know what you're crying about... you've got your little pet", said Roger, clutching his wife's hand in his, looking at Freddie.

"Yeah... I have... and he's loyal! Loyalty is so important. Don't you think so, Rog?", Freddie smirked.

Both Y/n and Roger looked confused. "I don't know what you're trying to do, but...", Y/n didn't no what she could say and so she just shook her head, grabbed the crown from her head, shoved it in her 'best friend's' hands and walked away.

"Where are you going? It's a joke!"

"Freddie", Brian mumbled, taking his friend by the shoulders. "Sometimes, you really can be a prick", he told him before walking off with Chrissy.

John and Ronnie followed soon after.

"Forget them", Paul said. "All your guests are waiting, come on", he whispered.

"Alright! My darlings, the time has finally come to get absolutely shitfaced!"

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now