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Y/n woke up with a groan, trying to get up, but she was pushed down immediately. 

"Shh, shh, lay back down, my love", she heard the loving voice of her husband say, and without opening her eyes she laid back down. 

Only then did she hear the beeps around her, and she slowly, but surely opened her eyes. 

She looked around in confusion. 

"Wherami?", she mumbled inaudibly. 

Roger laughed, placing a soft kiss on his wife's head. "At the hospital, my love"

"Hospital?", Y/n's eyes shot open wider. 

"Mummy!", two voices exclaimed and there came M/n and Caspian, jumping on the bed to give her a big hug.

"Hello, loveys", she whispered, kissing them both on their heads. "What... what happened? Why am I here?"

"You passed out after the press were on you and Freddie's arses... but you didn't wake up...", Roger breathed out, looking down. 

"Oh, God... is there something wrong with me?", Y/n asked in concern, as her children hugged their mum closer.

"No! Not at all actually... er... do you want to tell children?", he asked his son and daughter. The six year olds happily nodded.

"Well?", the mother looked at the two, who sat up on the hospitalbed.

"We're gonna be an older brother and sister!", they exclaimed, giggling widely.

Y/n gasped, placing a hand on her mouth as tears started to form in her eyes. "Are you - Are you serious, Rog?"

Roger grinned, nodding hastily. "Yes. The doctor's checked everything about you, but just didn't seem to get why you would pass out for so long and so they started questioning me. Is your wife sick in the mornings, does your wife eat more as of lately, has she had a lot of headaches and aches in her back, yadi yadi yada. And I told them yes every time, so they checked your stomach and sure enough, there's another baby on its way!"

Y/n smiled with tears rolling down her cheeks. She reached out for her husband who happily complied into hugging her. Sobs left her mouth as her two children joined into the hug. 

"We're gonna have a sibling, mummy!", Caspian said happily. The six year old boy looked just like his daddy aside from his eyes and nose. Those, he had gotten from Y/n. 

M/n, however, was a spitting image of her mother. The sparkling e/c eyes, the h/c hair, the t/n nose. Everything was like her mother.

The two parents were already happy to have the two angels they already had. And now? Now there was gonna be another angel to join their family. 


But life still goes on!
I can't get used to living without, living without, living without you by my side

Freddie was walking around in a very short leather skirt and a bob. He was 'cleaning' the house of their new music video: I want to break free. 

Everyone was in drag. Roger was a schoolgirl with bows in his hair and a striped orange with pink tie; John was the grandmother with a mob of gray beneath an old-fashioned hat on top; Brian was in a pink night gown, hairrollers in his curly hair; Freddie was the cleaning mum, in a tight pink tanktop and the leather skirt, in the whole videoclip he was cleaning, sweaping and such; finally Y/n... Y/n was dressed like a man. She was in a suit, a moustache above her lips and a black tie. She was holding a leather case, giving the whole business man look. Her wig was short, and she would look very much like a man if it weren't for the big belly that was popping out from above the dresspants. 

In the video clip she was taking her sweet time to boss around each and every one of the boys. 

I don't want to live alone

Sadly, the band wasn't like it had always been. It wasn't a whole anymore. As Fred was in hair and make-up, he looked to his right to see Y/n, Roger, John and Brian all having their fun... but he wasn't there. 

God knows

Freddie and Roger's characters sang together. 

Got to make it on my own

Y/n was sitting at the kitchen table, all types of papers scattered around her... or well... him. 

So baby can't you see? I've got to break free

She playbacked along, looking right at the camera before looking back at the papers. 

"Brilliant! Can I get up now? What is happening?", Roger asked being thrown over his wife's lap. 

"No, you can't!", Y/n spoke in a deep voice, acting like she was the man.

"I wanna be in it", fake whined Brian.

"Get off me!", laughed John for Roger had lain his head on his lap.

And once again... Freddie felt alone, out of place. 

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now