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"What do you think?", Freddie asked, turning around to his now pregnant best friend.

She was looking around with her hand on her lower belly for 'support'. She then looked at him, confused. "Gayer?", she asked, looking at his moustache that he had grown and his much shorter hair.

"Not this, love, the house!", Freddie exclaimed, walking away. "Isn't it amazing? Mary's already moved in next door, so she can visit the cats and me!"

Y/n walked around, looking at the undecorated house. "U-huh"

"Each cat... will have his own room! Delilah's by the kitchen; Miko's next door; Tiffany, Osco, Romeo, all upstairs; Lily's room... it's even larger than this one! Spoiled thing", Freddie laughed, looking around the room, while the heavily pregnant Y/n walked over to him. "A-and, once you and Roger's little one is there, he or she will have his or her own room here too! I'll make sure of it!"

The woman laughed. "Sure, Freddie, whatever you say, but I'm not sure the echo is pronounced enough"

"Ayo!", exclaimed Freddie, laughing and taking his best friend's hand in his.

"Ayo!", Y/n sang back, smiling along.

"Agh", the man placed his hand on her shoulder. "I knew you'd appreciate it", he clicked his tongue. "Stay for dinner, anything you fancy!", he wrapped his arm around her.

"I can't, Roger's expecting me. Something about making sure his two favourite people are okay", the pregnant woman smiled awkwardly.

"Of course"

It stayed silent for a few seconds, before Freddie gasped.

"Well, come on! We'll eat off the floor, it's clean enough!"

"Another time, Fred", she wrapped him into an awkward hug, before leaving him behind.



Freddie dialed Mary's phone, looking outside his window.

"Hello?", her voice called.

"Mary!", he smiled.


"Hello, my love. I need you to do something for me, but you can't ask any questions",  the man told her.

"What are you doing this time?", his ex-lover chuckled.

"No! I just told you, you can't ask any questions!", he laughed.


"I want you to go to your bedroom window, look out of it"

Mary stood up and did as he said and then a lamp went on and off and on and off again in Freddie's house.

"Do you see me?"

"Yeah, I did see you"

"Now you so the same!", Freddie suggested.

Once again, she did as he said.

"Agh!", he switched his light on again. "Keep yours on, come have a drink!"

"Now?", Mary asked.

"Right now!"

"It's late, Freddie"

"Come on! Please, do you have something to drink?"

She sighed, walking away. "I suppose"

"Go get yourself something, pour yourself a drink, darling... do you have it?"

"... yes"

"Cheers", Freddie said cheerfully.


"To you, my love"

"To you, Freddie"

"Good night!"

"Good night", she whispered, before hanging up on him.


"Hello?", someone asked confusedly.

"Paul! Sweetheart! I want to throw a party!"

"Okay, who do you want to invite?", Paul asked tiredly.

"People! I want you to shake the freak street and invite anyone who plops to the ground!"

He laughed.

"Dwarves... and giants... musicians... Zulu tribesmen... contortionists... fire eaters... and priests... we're going to need to confess"

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now