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Tw: mature content.

After the meeting, Y/n and Roger were home alone, the kids were staying their weekend at grandma Elisabeth's.

She had been on edge the whole day, something still bugging her after the meeting.

"Y/n..." Roger said as they both sat in their bed.

"Yes, Roger?"

"Did I ever tell you, you look very hot when mad?" He smirked at her, he had that look in his eyes.

Y/n glanced over his face, as he came closer to her. He gave her a look, still asking for permission, but she grabbed onto his face, placing his lips on hers. Their lips moved against each other, with every so often a soft smacking sound from either Roger or Y/n.

Between the kisses, Roger took off Y/n's shirt, starting to play with her breasts as his tongue took its place in her mouth. Off all the boys Y/n has kissed, Roger will always be her favourite. He always knew exactly how to kiss her to make her feel good. Over the lacy fabric of Y/n's bra, Roger began to toy with her nipples, brushing over them with feather light fingertips.

Y/n whimpered into the kiss, making Roger smirk. It always felt good to know he made his wife feel good. Only him, nobody else. Y/n broke off the kiss momentarily to take off Roger's shirt and placed her lips back on him, feeling the smooth skin on Roger's back, circling over his back every so often. Slowly Roger began placing kisses along her jaw, peppering her with slow kisses, he then began his path down her neck while trapping her between his legs.

Y/n moaned softly as he Roger began sucking a sweet spot in her neck only stopping when seeing a bruise form at the same spot. He blew some air on it, making the woman beneath him shiver. His hands went behind her back to unclasp the lacy bra and watched intently as her breasts came free from the trap.

Roger sighed, "You're so beautiful," he whispered before kissing her from the neck down to her chest.

Roger always took his sweet time teasing; she knew that. His right hand moved from his sides to her thighs and back up again and again and again. His light touches send goosebumps up his wife's spine, making her softly sigh in content.

He always knew where to touch her and how. His kisses went from her neck to her collarbone and softly trailed down to her breasts. He sucked lightly on a few spots making some marks appear. With a soft touch, he spread open her legs further, as his trail went further down to her abdomen. Once in a while he sucked a bit before going further down, making his way to her thighs.

Y/n watched in anticipation as arousal settled between her legs. Her breath hitched as he undid her trousers, pulling them down ever so slowly. Roger smiled upon seeing his favourite pair of knickers on his wife. Oh, she knew exactly what she was doing... but so did he.

Roger settled further between his wife's legs as he began placing soft kisses on her knees, then moving inwards towards her thighs. He made sure to take his sweet time while going upwards. He licked, sucked and kissed every bit of inner thigh he could possibly reach, leaving some noticeable marks here and there. Y/n knew she would be covered by them at the end.

While still kissing her thighs, his fingers grazed over her vagina, that was still covered with her knickers. She always knew how to get him in the hots when he saw that thong. She sighed out as he softly grazed her with his fingertips ever so lightly.

"Roger," she moaned softly.

He looked up in between in her legs, as if it wasn't the prettiest sight to see for her. "Yes?" he said innocently, batting his eyelashes.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now