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"Is it true, love?", asked Roger softly once they got in the car.

Y/n looked at him, fair in her e/c eyes. "Y-yes! B-but please, don't be mad at me... I can't afford to lose you too"

"Lose me too? Y/n, don't be silly!", Roger placed his hand on her thigh, rubbing it soothingly. "You don't have to talk about it now", he told her, seeing the tears spring into her eyes.

"Can we just please get home...", she whispered, looking down at the hand that was still on her thigh.

"Of course, my love"

The rest of the ride was silent, except for the motor of their car. Roger was looking at her every thirty seconds to make sure she was alright, but she clearly wasn't. Silent tears fell over her cheeks, her bottom lip was quivering.

Upon arrival, the first thing they were  met with, were the twins.

"Mummy, daddy!"

In spite of herself, Y/n smiled when she saw them, and pulled them into a hug.

"Oh, I missed you", she whispered.

"Hey, guys", Susan said, as she walked into the hallway; softly closing the door behind her.

"Did everything go well with the kids?", Roger asked softly.

"Yes, we played lots of games", she nodded, while grabbing her coat. "Is everything alright with you, my love? You look upset"

Y/n looked up. "I'm fine, I'm gonna put these ones in their rightful beds"

The children whined, but followed their mother upstairs.

Susan raised an eyebrow at Roger, willing to know what was going on.

"Fred said something Y/n apparently wasn't willing to say to me, before he walked out. The, er, the band broke up"

Susan let out a little gasp. "And now?"

"I don't know, but my wife is more important than a stupid band"

Upstairs they heard a giggle of a young girl. M/n.

"Thank you, Susan, that you could come on such short notice", Roger grabbed some money and gave it to Susan.

"It was my pleasure", the younger woman said. "Bye, love! Love you!"

"Bye, Susie! Thank you! Love you too!", Y/n shouted from upstairs.

"Of course! Bye, Roger", Susan nodded before walking out of the house.

Roger immediately walked up the stairs to the nursery of little M/n.

"Mummy, mummy, do it again! Do it again!", she giggled.

"Okay, okay. But after that you will go to bed, okay, my love?", Y/n coughed a little, as Roger walked quietly up the door. "Ready?"

"Yeah!", M/n exclaimed.

Y/n walked over to the little music box of her little girl and wound it up.

Edelweiss, edelweiss, every morning morning you greet me.
Small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me.

Caspian had now also entered the room and sat down next to his twin sister, she was looking at her mother in wonder.

Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow.
Bloom and grow forever.
Edelweiss, Edelweiss, bless my homeland forever.

The woman picked up her two children, each on one hip, despite them getting heavy and taller.


Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now