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Y/n turned around in the wedding dress she was trying on, turning to her girl-friends.

They were silent as they took in the white dress with the lightly coloured flowers on it.

"I-is the vail too much?", she asked anxiously.

"Are you kidding?! When Roger sees you he's gonna go CRAZY!", exclaimed Susan, looking at her best friend in excitement running to her, making the woman scream.

"You look gorgeous, honey!"

"Thank you!", shouted the woman in the dress.

"He won't be able to keep his eyes off you!", Cynthia began. "Or his hands!"

"Oh, you!", Y/n laughed, shoving her friend.

"According to this newspaper, the wedding is going to be the social hala of the season", Linda spoke up, holding the newspaper.

"Of the season? This is going to be the best celebration this country has ever seen", said Elisabeth proudly, sweeping her daughter into her arms.

"She doesn't plan, she plots, doesn't she?", Y/n laughed, taking the paper into her hands and gasped. "Look, mummy, even Elton John is coming!"

"Elton John?", her mother asked, flipping open the newspaper to read the full article.

Y/n glanced at the picture below for a second before turning away only to look back in realisation.

There, beneath Y/n and Roger's article, stood William, wearing the scarf she had left behind at his sister's house.


Said the headline.

"Oh, boy", mumbled Elisabeth, before her daughter fainted.

Gasps filled the room. "Y/n!"


That evening, Y/n was sat in her bathtub, a glass of red wine in one hand, opening and closing the tap regularly with one of her feet.

William had done it once again, ruining everything once it was going the right way. This time by sending some bullshit to the newspaper. Something about her cheating on Roger with him.

A knock on the door took her out of her thoughts.

"Love, can I come in?", Roger asked on the other side of the door.

"Come in", she responded and he immediately opened the door.

"Hey", he smiled, walked up to the bathtub, leaned over to give her a fast kiss and then sat down on the armchair they had placed close to the bath.

"It's not true...", Y/n mumbled. "What William said in the newspaper..."

"I know, my love, we're always with each other and if we're not, we know exactly where the other is", Roger shrugged.

His fiancé nodded. "I just don't understand why he would do this, even after getting a new girlfriend"

"Probably likes the attention"

"You're right", Y/n said, taking another sip of her wine. "Thank you for believing me"

"Of course", Roger took her hand in his. "I love you and I won't let anyone get in between our wedding"

She smiled. "I love you"


Three months later, the wedding finally came.

Y/n stood in front of the mirror, wearing the beautiful dress she had chosen that day, she looked at her hair that had been beautifully done, her make-up, everything was perfect, except one thing.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now