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"Y/n/n", Freddie said at twelve o'clock in the evening, opening her door softly while everyone else was asleep. "My love, I have to let you hear something"

Y/n shot up from her bed, she was busy reading in some magazine. Her hair were curled on toiletpaper, a curling method she has been using for a very long time, she was wearing white sleeping shorts with a flowers pattern and some white tank top. Meaning she was just about to sleep. "Freddie, it's...", she looked at the clock. "A quarter past twelve, can't that wait until tomorrow?" But Freddie shook his head, a stupid grin on his face.

"I don't think so, deary"

The woman sighed, placing down her magazine and getting out of bed, she put on some socks and walked out. In excitement, her best friend grabbed her hand and hastily walked her to somewhere. After a few minutes she figured out they were walking towards the musicroom (not the recordingroom).

"Frederick, what are we gonna do at the musicroom after midnight? We're gonna wake people up!", Y/n whispershouted.

"We will not, trust me", he walked over towards the piano playing a few keys before sitting down.

"New song?", his best friend asked, sitting down on some stool, making him nod. With a sigh he began playing some notes.

Love of my life you've hurt me... you've broken my heart and now you leave me

He sang so beautifully, gracefully and passionately. His eyes were closed in full concentration and his head was swaying along the music.

Love of my life, can't you see? Bring it back, bring it back, don't take it away from me because you don't know what it means to me

Y/n looked in awe as she heard him sing. She has heard him sing countless of times, but even if she has heard his voice millions of times, it still amazes her just how beautiful it is.He finished off with some keys and after a few seconds he looked up at Y/n expectingly.

"Well? How was that?", he asked with a smile.

"Freddie, that was–", she began, but she couldn't finish her sentence, because...

"– beautiful", Paul, who had entered the room without the other two noticing, said. "Absolutely beautiful...", he finished, walking over to the piano where an ashtray was laying.

"Thanks... it's about Mary", Freddie said.

"... if you say so", the other man said, looking at him while crushing his cigarette.

There was a silence, it was already apparent that Y/n was long forgotten, because they didn't seem to give one flying fuck about her in this moment. Out of a sudden Paul smashed his lips on Fred's and the two kissed for a few seconds, Y/n's hand quickly went to her mouth in shock as she looked at the two. She was just about to say something until Freddie put his hand on Paul's chest, pausing him.

"No... Mary knows me like no-one else does", he said, shaking his head, looking up at the man.

"I know you, Freddie Mercury", Paul tried to convince him, but to no avail, Freddie shook his head again.

"No, no you do not", he then stood up, leaving Paul Prenter behind and took Y/n's hand.

"Come on, deary", he mumbled.

Once they closed the door Y/n turned to him in supposedly anger.

"Freddie, what the actual fuck?!", she whisper shouted.

"What?", he asked, confused.

"You kissed him for a good five seconds before you stopped him! You could've immediately stopped him, but you didn't. What about Mary, hm?", she asked, now not angry, but she didn't seem very happy with him.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now