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The same day, Y/n went to the Y/l/n mansion.

"Oh, Y/n, my flower, I'm so happy you've come to visit us", Elisabeth said, sighing happily and taking her daughter's cheeks into her hands.

"It's been a while, mum. I had to. Also, I have great news!"


Y/n sat down at the coffee table in the large living room of the house she had lived a great part of her life.

"Your father and sister will be here soon too", Y/n's mother said, setting down all types of things. Tea, juice, cookies, water, sweets.

The daughter simply nodded and made herself comfortable on the sofa.

Just then her now eight year old dog, Sparky, came in. He was a golden retriever.

"Oh, hi, Spar!", she said softly, as the dog came towards her happily. When Y/n and Sparky were both young, she would give him matching bows with her. When she wore pink little bows in her little pigtails, he would have a pink bow on his collar. When she had yellow ones, he would have yellow ones. Of course, that changed once she turned fifteen. It would be an embarrassment to just walk with bows at that age. So, just like now, he would get bandanas, bandanas that matched with bandanas she would wear that day.

"Y/n!", her fourteen year old little sister, Molly, shouted running up to her big sister. Right into her arms.

"Oh, hi big girl!", Y/n exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her little sister.

"Oh, I missed you! Dad's been so unbearable without you in this house. You were the one that could keep him under control", she rolled her eyes.

"How's it with boyfriends or girlfriends?", her big sister asked with a smirk.

"Oh, don't even begin", Molly said, pushing the green hairband she was wearing back in place.

Y/n laughed as both Albert and Elisabeth walked into the room.

"Hi, papa!", she sprang up, running into her father's arms.

"Oh, Y/n, my love, I've missed you so much", Albert sighed, wrapping one arm around her waist and the other stroked her hair.

"I missed you all too. So much. I have so much to tell you guys"


"Top of the Pops?!", Elisabeth exclaimed, taking her husband's hand in hers. "Oh, boy, I'm so proud of you, my darling!"

Y/n nodded gleefully. "I'm so proud of the boys and I too, we've gone from nothing to here so fast. And that's not everything!"

"Oh?", said Albert, placing his hand once more on Elizabeth's knee.

"If this all will go well... we're going on tour in Japan!"

"No fucking way!", Molly shouted.

"Watch your tongue, my dear", her mother said, before looking at her oldest once more.

"I'm so very proud of you"

"We all are", finished Albert.


"I'll pick you up in an hour, yeah?"

"Okay, that's fine. See you later, Will!"

"See you, love"

After Y/n hang up on William she dialed Freddie, him being the first one to come to mind for her.

"Y/n, my beautiful darling! How are you?"

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now