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"So, Y/n/n, what is the sudden urge for packing things? We won't have a tour until after your wedding", Freddie asked, trying to start a conversation while his best friend purposely ignored him.

When he mentioned the wedding a sudden glare formed on Y/n's face. "Oh, you know for the honeymoon I'll be leaving for in a day or two", she said, trying to sound as casual as she possibly could.

"What?", Freddie laughed, his face contorting into confusion and sadness, not matching his laugh.

"Yeah, you know, the wedding? It happened two days ago. I'm surprised you haven't seen it yet in the newspapers", the woman said, her voice mixed with anger, betrayal, but most of all hurt. So much hurt.

"What?", he asked again.

"My fucking wedding, Fred! My fucking wedding! You weren't there!", she shouted back, tears pouring out of her eyes. "You promised you'd be there for me, you'd give me away! You knew how much that fucking meant to me!"

The man was taken aback for a few seconds until his gaze turned into anger. "You didn't even send me a fuckin invite!", Freddie shouted back. "How was I supposed to know?!"


Freddie's eyes widened. "Hey, it's okay... it was just a misunderstanding"

"No! Nothing about this is okay! Nothing about this is fucking okay!", Y/n screamed, pushing him back. "You stupid, disgusting, lying piece of shit!", she said between punches to his chest. "Liar! Liar... liar...", slowly the shouts began to turn into sobs, into wimpers. "How could you do this to me? I just don't understand", she wimpered softly, hugging his waist while Freddie tried to sooth her.

"I'm so sorry... I–"

She suddenly let go of his waist. "You can't think sorry will do the part for this... no words can describe the pain you put me through two days ago... I almost fucking cancelled the wedding for you, for a piece of shit like you"

The man frowned, she had never talked to him like that. Perhaps he deserved it... though he couldn't help it and say: "Oh, really?! You gonna shove this all one me?!"

"Yeah! You were the arsehole who didn't fucking show up!", all her make-up was smudged by this time, her eyeshadow being everywhere and nowhere. "I – maybe it's better if you just go, Fred...", Y/n said, looking down; she couldn't look him in the eyes.

He tried to say something, but decided to just leave it there, so he shook his head and left right then and there.

And that was the first crack in their friendship.

They could both feel it, Freddie felt it once he got in the backseat of his car and Y/n knew it once she was into a sobbing mess on the floor.

This will not be good.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now