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There was an awkward silence as everyone waited for Freddie to arrive.  Roger was looking at his watch, John was looking like he was deep in thought, Brian looked pretty awkward and Y/n was spread out on the large chair, looking up; trying to figure out how long the room would be.

Suddenly the door sprang open.

"Ah, hello!", Freddie said loudly, walking into the room as if he wasn't twenty minutes late.

"You're late", Ray Foster said, annoyance lacing with his thick accent.

"Am I?"

Y/n felt a tap on her shoulder and looked at John Reid who nodded his head to the side; silently saying to stand up.

"Mate, what? I wasn't the one who's late and I have to stand up?", she asked, looking at him in confusion.

"Come on, Y/n, there's enough space left here", Roger patted on his right side as he scootched over to the left.

Y/n sighed, stood up and sat next to Roger, who smiled at her.

"Okay, so now that we're all here. Jim  this is Ray Foster. Ray, this is the band's lawyer, Jim Beach"

"Hello", Jim said.

"We must stop calling him that"

"That's his name", John Reid simply said.

"No, we cannot keep calling him Jim Beach. No, that's absurd, not to mention unspeakably boring", Freddie took a drag from his cigarette.  "Miami. From now, I dub thee, Minnie Beach"

Y/n laughed softly, shaking her head.

"The sun always sets behind you, doesn't it? On Miami Beach", Miami said.

Y/n had her eyebrows raised, Roger his mouth stood agape, John looked confused and Brian overall just looked weirded out as they stared at the man.

"Hm, right", Ray began. "Now that's everybody got an acceptable name, let's get to it. Look... we just really need something special. More hits. Like 'Killer Queen' only bigger"

"It's not bloody widgets we're making", Roger began.

"Yeah, we can't just reproduce 'Killer Queen' ", the woman next to him finished, as she began to fidget with a piece of hair.

Roger nodded, looking at her in agreement.

"No", Freddie said, throwing an album cover on the table next to him, setting a vinyl on the recordplayer. "We can do better" He clicked a button making Opera music start up.

Everyone smiled.

"It's opera", Ray stated.

"Oh, really sherlock?", Y/n mumbled silently, making Roger laugh.



"There seems to be an echo in here", Deaky said.

Everyone nodded along to the beat of the music, to the loud note Freddie banged his hand on Foster's table making everyone chuckle.

Next, Freddie threw a single to the wall, making John throw it back to Ray.

After a few more seconds, Freddie turned down the music.

"See, we don't want to repeat ourselves. The same formula over and over", Brian explained.

"Formulas are a complete and utter waste of time"

"Yeah! Look at math, I had to do that shit for six years and did it make my life better? Nah!", Y/n spoke, loudly.

"Formulas work. Let's stick with the formulas. I like formulas"

"Of course, you would"

"We'll call the album... A Night at the Opera", Freddie announced.

"Are you aware that no one actually likes opera?"

"Are you aware that no one actually likes formulas?"

"I like opera", Miami stated.

"Do you?", Ray asked, looking at him.

"I do", John Reid raised his finger.

"No, don't misunderstand, darling. It's a rock and roll record with the scale of opera, the pathos of Greek tragedy, the wit of Shakespeare, the... unbridled joy of musical theater. It's a musical experience"


"Rather than just any record. Something for everyone, something... hmm... Something that will make people feel belongs to them. We'll mix genres, we'll cross boundaries,  we'll... we'll... we'll speak in bloody tongues if we want to"

"There's no musical ghetto that can contain us", Roger exclaimed.

Freddie pointed at him. "That's it"

"No one knows what Queen means, because it doesn't mean one thing", Deaky said, expressing his feelings with his hands.

"What do you think, John?"

"I...  agree with the band"

"Of course you do", Ray mumbled.

"How about you, uh..."


Freddie chuckled.

"Fortune favors the bold"

The frontman put his hand on Ray's desk.

"Surely a man of your... unique taste isn't afraid of a little risk?"

"Please don't make me regret this"

"You're fun", Y/n said, laughing


On their way to Freddie's appartement the five began discussing.

"We do have to go somewhere that's a bit relaxed. Not have a lot of distractions, of course have fun, but you know", Brian said, seeming deep in thought as he scratched his head.

"As long as we aren't busy recording all the damn time"

"Yeah, I want some relaxation too, especially now with Ronnie being pregnant. Can friends come along too?"

"Than we have to find a place suitable for a lot of people and I doubt that there will be a place that's large enough for a lot of people and have a recording studio"

Y/n's eyes lit up. "I have an idea!"

Everyone turned around.

"My parents own this summerhouse"

Freddie gasped. "Ridge Farm!"

Y/n nodded excitedly. "It has a recording studio, swimmingpool, tenniscourt, lots of space and it has a large field around it"

"Summerhouse?", Roger asked, his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, we went there every summer when I was a child, Freddie went along a lot too!"

Freddie nodded ecstatically.

"I'm sure my parents will allow us and my family will probably go along too. You can all bring along your girlfriends, some friends, whatever"

Everyone looked at each other with large smiles on their faces.

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now