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"Y/n, Freddie!"

"Y/n and Freddie, as the leaders pf Queen, do you feel responsible for the success of the band?", a reporter asked the two.

"There is no leader in this band. We're  all equal", Y/n smiled, patting Roger's hand which was intertwined with hers.

"I'm not the leader of Queen, I'm only the lead singer", said Freddie which caused another commotion.

"Freddie! A question for Freddie! Do you ever doubt your talent?"

"No, that's a stupid question", Freddie said incredulously.

"Y/n! How do you feel about people seeing you as a sex symbol?", a woman asked.

Y/n raised her eyebrows. "Er, I guess I don't really pay any mind to it."

"What's next?", asked Freddie.

"Freddie, uh, your teeth. Why don't you get your teeth fixed?"

"I live in Britain, I don't want to stand out." Freddie tapped his cigarette while laughter erupted.

"Next...", tried Brian.

"Why don't you have your manners fixed?", snapped Freddie. "That's an asshole question to ask anybody."

"That's an asshole question", muttered Brian.

"Frederick, take it easy, alright?", said Y/n, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Have you ever felt insecure about how you look, Y/n?"

"I think everybody has ever felt insecure once or twice. Why do you want to know? "

"In your song 'Life Is Real' what do you mean by the line, 'Love Is A Roulette'? Are you implying that the more partners you have, the more chances you have of... contracting something?"

"What? I don't know. I haven't figured out love yet"

"But it implies something else, Freddie"

"That might be a better question for Rog"

Roger who had been silent the whole time – playing with his wife's fingers – looked at him. "Watch it"

"Freddie, you need to calm down", Y/n said, slowly growing impatient of her best friends antics. She sighed exasperatedly before putting on a smile again. "Next question, please", she said sweetly.

"Freddie! Concerning your private life, there's lots of pictures of you in the tabloids looking drunk or ill"

"Which one is it? Ill or drunk?"

John leaned forward. "I had a cold last week, if anyone cares", he said in good humour, making Y/n chuckle.

"As much as we'd like to answer questions about colds... I'd like to speak about the album. If anyone's got any questions about the music?", said Brian, looking around the room. 

Nobody listened however. 

"Y/n! Is it true that you are still seeing your ex, even after marrying Roger? Is your marriage starting to crumble?"

Y/n and Roger looked at each other in disbelief as the latter placed a hand on his wife's inner thigh. 

"No, I'm not seeing my ex still and no our marriage is not starting to crumble. What is wrong with all you?"

Roger leaned forward to Y/n's ear. "I'll show you how strong our marriage is later, yeah love?", he muttered seductively. 

"Oh, behave, Rog", she laughed softly, looking at him with that glint in her eyes. 

Bohemian Rhapsody; Ben Hardy! Roger Taylor x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now