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First of all thank you my lovely readers for giving a chance to my story and supporting me✨

It's already 1k votes and  7 k views on Loving him💕.I am super happy 😍 thank you lovelies.

A preeranlicioius chapter go grab it🌈

She is lost but she is light,
And a light always finds its home..


2 weeks passed in the blink of eye's..

But karan and preeta followed the same routine like preeta going for hospital in the morning and returning at evening or night and then talking with her parents and karan's parents used to bring her a little change.

she used to meet Ritik at afternoon during lunch sometimes and that was the time when she used to laugh her heart out and talk with him.

Here karan, even he used to leave at early morning and return at night when she was already asleep.

But most they had dinner together without a single conversation.

She never looked up at him after that day and even not  tried to talk to him.

And It was Killing him from inside her ignorance and everything about her.he was becoming very pissed day by day seeing her ignorance.

It's not like he wanted her or anything.he himself didn't knew the reason why it was affecting him.

He wanted to start the conversation but whenever he wanted to talk to her that something in him used to stop him or sometimes she had already gone from his sight.

Since that day he saw her 2-3 times with Ritik giving her a lift and but he had no right to ask her about him or their bonding.

He never asked..he took the information about Ritik that he was doctor at the same hospital and he was her friend from her college.

But he didn't like that. May be it's because she was not talking with him and the way she use to talk with him happily made him jealous?

Oh no let's not talk about jealous coz who knows the feelings of TKL. Let's leave it for him to recognise himself.

And whenever he saw her with him ,he almost skipped his dinner and went to sleep without having with her. Beacuse if he waited for he would definitely messed up the things between them.

Which he didn't wanted ,it's already messed.

It was better to ignore that and sleep ,he thought.

Even she had not tried to talk to him as she thought he is happy  with her absence.

Preeta's pov

It was Sunday evening,

I am sitting in the living room eating chocolates watching tv.

Beacuse it was Sunday and I was enjoying....

wait 😑

Like what?

Yeah,it's nothing roaming in the house from my bedroom to kitchen and kitchen to living room.

Reading books, watching tv, scrolling my Phone and talking with mom dad this is what I am doing here on my Sundays.

It looks good right? Like this is how I used enjoy my Sundays here.

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