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The biggest communication problem is we don't listen to understand,
We listen to reply.


The moment Preeta's step halted in the living room she was sure that something was wrong.Her heartbeat was racing in fear since she saw his missed calls in the early morning at 3Am.

There was surgery along with some important work and she was packed for hours.She didn't even check her mobile as it was in her cabin inside the drawer.And when she saw his so many calls, her heart was beating unevenly since then wanting to see him.

She called him back instantly but when she didn't got any response she sighed sadly and waited for the time to pass and left at five in the morning.Early than her usual timing.

The light of the living room was still on and she placed the bag aside gulping her saliva not understanding why he kept all the lights on while sleeping.

And as she stepped inside their bedroom with baby steps they were halted and her eyes widened seeing the condition of the room.

Everything was messed up and near the door the vase was shattered into pieces.Pillows, books and some clothes were laying here and there.And the items in the dressing table were too kissing the ground and then the thought crossed her mind was,

Did someone rob their house?

But how is it possible?

But her husband was laying in the middle of the bed facing the other side and she didn't waste another second to rush towards him worriedly.

"Karan"She whispered sitting on the bed and shifted towards him.

Her brows joined together as she stared at his face and him shivering slightly clutching the blanket in his fingers.Her palm quickly touched his forehead and that was when a huge blow hit her.

"Oh my god"She mumbled worriedly and cupped his face making him turn towards her.But he didn't even move a bit snuggling his face to the bed.

Her heart sank seeing him sick.She got to know the reason why he called her many times.And what more hurt her was when she realised he was ill since night when he called her the first time.

She blamed herself for not taking her phone with her.There was a possibility that she could have checked it at least once and could have done something if she got to know about his health.But unfortunately she didn't and she feared looking at the scene of the room not getting anything why he did like that.

She knew he might be sad when she didn't respond to his calls.Now she was hell tensed not knowing whether he took the tablets? Did he eat properly?

She didn't know anything which made her worried seeing his condition.She didn't want to wake him up knowing he was sick.

"I am so sorry"She whispered meekly and kissed his burning head before she got down from the bed to take the cotton cloth and water in a bowl.

Again sitting beside him she struggled to make him lay on his back but he didn't even respond and she got more worried.

Dipping the cloth she placed it on his forehead and let him sleep like he wanted.She got to know he was not in his senses and that made tears to gather in her eyes.

"I am sorry karan"Her heart ached knowing how he acts whenever he becomes sick.She still remembers how he used to cry if his mom left his side whenever he was sick in their childhood.He never seeked any attention for small wounds or scratches but he would act like a baby and used to curl in the bed till he gets completely fine.

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