76.Can't get enough of you

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Happiness is the tickle I get deep down in my soul when we kiss.


"Nah! I am not yet done sweetheart!"He whispered lifting his hand towards her face.

She sucked in a deep breath staring at him nervously as his fingers traced down her cheeks.

"You didn't colour me intentionally right? How could you do that when you knew I was waiting"He complained leaning towards her face and looked into her black orbs sending shivers to her every nerves.

"Moreover how dare you to colour that jerk right in front of me.Despite knowing I would be angry for not colouring me"He muttered against her lips causing her to take a sharp breath and she just closed her eyes shaking her head slightly.

"I wanted to tease you yesterday and just said, that too in front of you.But what you did? You just stood talking with him ignoring me when I was waiting for you.should your actions deserve punishment or not?"He asked brushing her lips with his and moved back as she fisted his fingers on his vest.

She could feel how her heart was racing and heartbeat was raising.He was making it more difficult for her to speak a word even.

Punishment? A word was unknown for her till now.What does he mean by that? She had no idea but just she knew he wouldn't hurt her.

"Hmm? Is not talking with you for a week is okay?"he asked pinning her with a glare.

Preeta quickly shook her head in no causing him to smirk internally.

"Then?"he asked raising his brows staring at her lips.

"I..I am so..sorry"she mumbled against him and narrowed her eyes showing her puppy eyes.

"Your apology is not accepted babydoll"He said causing her to press her lips gloomily.

"I am sorry!"She again said blinking her eyes and slightly pulled him through his vest.

He gasped at the sudden contact of their forehead and she abruptly locked her fingers behind his neck stopping him from moving.

"I am sorry! Please"She whispered against his lips and he groaned at the contact of their nose and lips just inches away.

The urge to kiss her again this time a little more hard was evoking in his mind.But he stopped himself closing his eyes and felt her racing heartbeat.

His mind stopped working and all he could think about was only her.She was driving him crazy with her each sorry and he was hating it right now.

He shook his head still with his closed eyes brushing his nose with hers as piles of sensations ran through their body.

The racing heartbeat of hers and the way she was inhaling sharply raising her chest made him insane.It was getting difficult for him to stay naive when she was all laying under his command.

Even closing his eyes didn't curtail his harmones.His mind could imagine him with her in different ways and when he opens his eyes the sight of her would drive him crazy.He was completely wicked for his wife.

That was not enough,his breath stuck in his throat when he felt her moving and the hold on his vest and shoulder getting tight.

He sensed her breathing a little away from him and now he could feel her breathing against his beardy cheeks.

With her hand around his neck she pulled him more towards her so that her cheek was right beside his.Her heart beat raced at it's maximum realising what she was doing.She wanted to do that.Her heart was instructing her to show her love to him in each possible way and now she wanted to colour him the way she had dreamt for years.

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