90.Bathing together

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Intimacy is not only about physical, it is the deep bond of knowing eachother.


A warm and gracious morning welcomed the couple sleeping covered in the blanket.The clock showed it was ten in the morning but still they were not even moving and were immersed in their sleepland.

It's because of the night they spent while making love and now sleeping all snuggled in a bed.He was spooning her and she was a sleeping like a baby all curled in his embrace.

Another half an hour and Karan was up when his phone started ringing disturbing their peaceful sleep.

Extending his hand lazily he picked his mobile from the night stand and answered,

"Good morning, sir"Rohit, his PA's voice reached his ears and his sleep ran realising he was still sleeping.

"GM and Actually I forgot to inform you that I won't be available in the office today.Postpone today's meetings and just send me if there is something important.I will work from home"Karan said squeezing his eye lids and scolded himself for being such careless.But the night wasn't planned and he was away from all the distractions that his all focus was on his wife.

"Oh, okay sir!"He heard a reply.

"Yeah, bye"Saying he hung up the call and threw his mobile aside.

His attention was back to his wife who was then sleeping on her stomach and her face was to the other side of him.

A smile crept his lips and he placed his hand on her back dragging it till her arms while snuggling in her neck.He smelled her and hid his face causing her to whin in her sleep.

He chuckled gazing at the shirt she wore before sleeping.She was adamant to sleep wearing something on her naked body and he didn't protest much.Making her wear his shirt and her undies they slept cuddling to each other till sleep consumed them.

The images of whatever happened yesterday captured his heart.It was his birthday and she made sure not to fade a smile away from his face for twenty four hours.He couldn't be happier than yesterday he was in his entire life.

And now he realised that this was his best birthday.The birthday after their marriage with her by his side was the memorable and unforgettable one.They enjoyed together the whole day and made love at the night devouring each other.

He looked at the time and heaved a sigh.Pulling her through the waist he kept snuggling her while disturbing her sleep with his movements.Preeta groaned in her sleep feeling his weight and shut her eyes.

"Karan"she whined trying to move and he chuckled at her efforts.Taking his hand back he shifted beside her causing her to turn and sleep comfortably on her back.

He smiled gazing at her face and turned to look at her while placing his elbow on the bed with his head resting over his palm.The sight of him staring at her and her sleeping peacefully was something heartwarming.

Forwarding his other hand he shifted her hair away from her face and traced her cheeks with the back of his fingers.when his eyes fell on her neck a proud grin adorned his face at the hickeys shining on her soft skin, the mark of his love and passion for her.

Then dragging his hand he removed the blanket away from her shoulder till her waist and looked at his white shirt covering her bare skin.

The first two buttons were open  revealing her neckline and the hem of her shirt slightly lifted from her waist giving him the best sight to watch.

"Wake up sleepyhead"He muttered surrounding his hand around her belly and started tracing her waist with his fingers.

"Mm.."she mumbled as her body squirmed with his touch and made faces causing him to giggle looking at her.

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