28.Kiss of love

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"A kiss seals two souls for a moment in time"


It had been more than 20 mins karan was sitting beside her looking at her faintly , waiting for her to wake up.

His mind was totally disturbed in thoughts.what if he had not arrived on time there?

He was beyond thankfull for god for showing him the path to her.As Karan didn't found her at home after sometime..it didn't took him much time to realise she had again left the house without taking anything.

He cursed himself for making her hurt.It was not intentionally...it was his mind just spoke those words to her when she suggested him to move on forgetting his past.

He was already messed and she just made him more and it led her to take the decision to Live the house.

When I himself said to leave,how will she stay,his words himself mocked him remembering that he himself told her to Leave.

As panic grew within him realising it was dark and late night..where she will go?

Remember the last incident how he found her with so much difficulty..his mind felt numb all of sudden thinking where to find her now..in this late night..

She doesn't know much here..how and where will she go?what if something will happen to her?

Little did he know that it was really happening to her?

Feeling Strange and fear he immediately called abhi taking his keys.He needed him this time.he can't take any risks this time.

His thoughts immediately broke when he felt her movement.

"Preeta"he called her instantly with a hope in his eyes that she will behave normal.

She slowly tried to open her eyes holding his hand which was beside her.He was noticing her actions carefully.

After blinking her eyes trice with difficulty she slowly opened her eyes to see all blurry.

He was eagerly waiting for her to open her eyes and to see him near her.she squeezed his hand as she was unable to see clear.

"Preeta"he again called gaining her attention.

She rubbed her head on pillow as she heard his voice and saw him who was sitting beside holding her hand.

His heart ached seeing her struggling to get up.He held her hand tightly saying he was with her.

As she was able to look at him clearly..her mind instantly went to the incident took a few hours ago.

Her eyes got filled with fresh tears as she remembered the two people who took her breath away,her state of mind,who touched her in an inappropriate way making her feel scared to death,the way she was struggling to get free from them.

It didn't took her much time to remember...It was not even needed to remember...it directly came to her mind as she got her concious back.

How much it may have affected her... ofcourse..the pain she beared and the struggle she fighted for herself was unexplained.

Karan's fear aroused as her breath got uneven and seeing her tear filled eyes.

"Preeta calm down please mein hu..you are safe"he held her hand in his making her calm.

But she immediately jerked his hand away and sat on the bed breathing heavily as if his words didn't reached her.

"Pree.."his words stopped when she got up from the bed and moved towards the window which was open as if she was unable to breath properly.

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