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I woke up to find nobody around. Damn it again?! I got up grabbed my things and put on my sandals and head out. Everyone's cars was here. whatever. I started my car and drove home.

When I got home everyone was knocked out. Jacob and Chloe were in the living room. Felix and Kim with their baby in my mom's room and Alex in the living room with Chloe and Jacob.

Tomorrow Chloe and Jacob start school at my school. I wanted to take them shopping. I woke them up. "Ayoooo let's go." They all jumped. Jacob looked at me abd started running I stopped in Alexas room.
"Have you ever played football" I asked him. He nodded. "You should try out for the team." I responded. He shrugged. We were all getting ready.

I finished brushing my teeth and head downstairs. I checked Twitter. Blake tweeted "On another mission" okay you guys could have woke me up for that? Whatever. Once again I was stuck with hanging out with 13 yrs old and 16 year old.
I was in the car waiting for them to come when cars started to pull up. Them. The three of them Came and just as I was about to pull out the drive way they all come out. Uhhhhhh. I pulled out and they all saw my car. I just kept driving and driving. We made it to the mall finally.

I got to my favorite store VANS . I walked in with Jacob grabbing my hand and Alex and Chloe grabbing hands. These kids can't get lost. I know it sounds weird but I don't know. I was walking when I saw that one kid Jossue. I slowly let go of Jacobs hand but he noticed I got tense.

"Umm, I'm go get white vans." I smiled and ran. I was going to make myself tie dye shoes. I found the perfect ones. I went to pay them and Jacob got the exact same color. He said he wanted to make some too. But green, yellow, and light blue.

When then went to a foot locker store. Chloe got a pair of Jordan's. I decided to get Alexa and Blake some shoes. I got Blake addidas. I got him all black addidas. I then got myself a pair of janoski's. Alexa and Alex got a pair as well. Very expensive I say. I walked out the store and we got tie dye.

An hour later I went to take me losers out to eat. I took them to taco bell. It the loml.

We ate and no one spoke I finally decided to ask "so you guys excited about school tomorrow?" They had a very large conversation I didn't pay attention because I saw two people outside. I heard Jacob say something about a sixteen year old friend. Blah blah blah then Virginia. That's when I gave up eating. "I'm done." They all agreed and we headed home. When I got home I saw blakes car and Felix's car parked to the house next door. Chloe and Jacob got out and grabbed their things. They hugged me and didn't walk to my door. They walked to the house next door.

I asked Alex "do they live there?"
He nodded "They told us over at taco bell." I shrugged and walked in. I saw Blake and Alexa on the couch. Hayes was over and so was Zoe.

"Here." I handed them a pair of shoes. To only Alexa and Blake. They smiled and said thank you and I ran upstairs. My room was a mess. I didn't even leave it like that. I saw a little note on my desk.

Dear babe,
Sorry for getting you mad yesterday. I just wanted to know if you and Matt were an item and I felt jealous? Matt knows and he said you guys weren't a thing just that you really are warm to cuddle with at night. And it is true (; oh and Matt wants to write as well. He put a arrow towards the back.
Ayooo bestfriend, okay so your room that was me. I thought you left because we left you alone. When we were up stairs in Nashs room when you passed out. When we got downstairs you weren't there. I decided to search for you in your room guess that didn't work either way. I'll see you tomorrow beautiful (;. -Sincerely M(atthew) E(spinosa)

Okay. I started cleaning my room and I finished at 7;19. They really did make a mess. I walked downstairs because I was really hungry. I only saw Blake sitting down by himself. It's been forever since he's by himself, hes always with zoe or with the guys. I didn't say anything most the lights were turned off exceot for the kitchen light. I walked to get cereal. He look up.
"Hey ugly." He stated. I waved my hand. He smiled. "So did you hear?" He asked.

I finished putting the froot loops in ad I responded "hear what?" I continued eating "0h wait you stopped talking to him." He stated. I shrugged and I finished eating my cereal. I washed my plate and ran upstairs. I fell asleep not knowing what will happen the next day.

Thanks for the reads love you all

© April 19, 2015

Him // Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now