Part 1

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So far it had been a day like any other. Lili woke up with Cole's arms around her. He was awake but he was just holding her and watching how peaceful she was.

Lili- Good morning. (giggles)

Cole- Good morning sleepyhead. You know it's already 8 o'clock, right? (chuckles)

Lili- Shit, what time do we have to be on set?

Cole- Technically we were supposed to be there an hour ago but I didn't want to wake you.

Lili- Cole! You have to stop letting me sleep! (giggles)

Cole- But you're really cranky when I wake you up, and cranky Lili is honestly kinda scary.

Lili- (giggles) Well get over it, we have to go. Now!

Cole- Yes ma'am.

The two of them quickly got up and got ready before rushing to work, but as soon as they walked into the hair and makeup trailer, everyone began to laugh, thinking the worst...but Lili quickly shut that thought down.

Lili- I swear we weren't having sex, Cole just wouldn't wake me up!

Cole- Again, I have a legitimate reason for not waking you.

Skeet- What is that? (chuckles)

Cole- She's scary when someone wakes her up.

Cami- That's true.

Cole- See!

Lili- But that doesn't mean you just let me sleep through work.

Cole- Well, I did...only an hour though!

Everyone laughed as the two sat down in their chairs and began getting their hair and makeup done. But suddenly as Lili was still in the chair, she got a call from an unknown number.

On the phone:

Lili- Hello?

???- Hi, is this Ms. Lili Reinhart?

Lili- Yes, who is this?

???- I am calling you from the front desk at Novant Health Presbyterian Medical Center in Charlotte North Carolina. Your daughter was brought in this morning with some serious wounds-

Lili- M-My...h-how do you know it's her? (whispers)

???- Her blood results and DNA were a match for yours, we checked your file from when you gave birth to her. We tried to get in contact with her foster parents and her social worker but no one is answering.

Lili- H-How do I know this is really her? (whispers)

???- Her name is Gracie Reinhart, I don't know if that helps though.

Lili- O-Okay, t-that's her. I-I'm in Vancouver right now but I'll get there as soon as possible. Is she okay? (tears)

???- She's fine, but she won't really talk to anyone.

Lili- (nods) I'll get on the next flight I can. (tears)

???- Alright, we'll see you soon.

Off the phone:

As soon as the call ended Lili dropped her phone to the ground while she went completely pale.

Cole- Oh my god, Lil's!

Cole jumped up and ran to her, grabbing onto her as she turned and cried into his chest.

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