Part 24

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Cole- Lil's, talk to me baby.

Lili- I got pregnant after the first time I had sex...I wasn't ready to have sex at the time but he really wanted to. When I still wasn't giving in he told me that he would break up with me if I didn't- (sniffles)

Cole- He made you...

Lili- No, I told him we could- (tears)

Cole- After he gave you an ultimatum. Lili, that's not okay. That's sexual coercion. He coerced you into having sex with him.

Lili- (sigh) I-I know. (softly)

Cole- Baby...

Lili- I honestly don't care about that part. It happened and it's over, and now I have Gracie.

Cole nodded and wrapped his arms around her before kissing her shoulder softly, then he took her hand, waiting for her to continue speaking again.

Lili- My pregnancy wasn't fun. (voice cracks)

Cole- What happened?

Lili- I was alone with very little money so I had to get a job...but no one wanted to hire a 16 year old pregnant girl so I drained all of the money from my savings. Eventually I got a waitressing job, but by that point I was already 7 months pregnant. (softly)

Cole rubbed her hands with his thumbs and kissed them softly before she continued.

Lili- I was running around like crazy and my anxiety was through the roof...I was just so stressed that I almost had a miscarriage. I was bleeding so much and they didn't know how to stop it so I had to get a C-Section. (tears)

Cole- (softly) That's what that scar is from?

Lili- (nods) As soon as she was born they had to take her away because she was two months premature...and it was all my fault. (cries)

Cole- It wasn't your fault.

Lili- Yes it was, I almost killed her. (sniffles)

Cole- Lili-

Lili- That's why I gave her away, I was scared I was only going to make her life worse...I also had no money and was barely able to take care of myself. I didn't want to hurt her and give her a terrible life, but by giving her away I still managed to do that. (tears)

Cole- Sweetheart, you did what you had to do at the time.

Lili shook her head while the tears continued to fall down her cheeks. Cole placed his thumbs under her eyes and wiped the tears off of her face before kissing her forehead.

Cole- Lil's, you need to stop beating yourself up over this.

Lili- Cole, I can't. My decision that was supposed to help her, hurt her. (sniffles)

Cole- Lil's, she's okay, she's safe now.

Cole wrapped his arms around her before picking her up and carrying her into their bedroom. The two of them got under the covers, Cole still holding Lili against him as he ran his fingers through her hair.

Cole- I love you, Lil's. I know you think everything is your fault, but I promise you it's not.

Lili- (nods) Thank you, I love you too. (softly)

He planted a kiss on her head and squeezed her tightly...but then they heard Gracie start crying. Lili jumped up and was about to run to her daughter but Cole stopped her before she could.

Cole- Lil's, you're still not wearing any clothes. Put on your pajamas and lay down, I'll go check on her.

Lili took a breath and nodded while Cole walked out of their bedroom, then he walked into Gracie's room. She was sitting in her bed crying, but as soon as she saw Cole, she jumped up and threw herself into his arms.

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