Part 19

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Gracie- They are your friends?

Cole- (nods) Yes, they're very nice. And I promise they would never hurt you.

She nodded and leaned onto him while staying in his arms, then they walked back to the trailer. As soon as they got there Cole placed Gracie down but she continued to hold his hand, making him smile.

Cole- While mommy is still filming, do you want to play?

Gracie- (nods) Can we play outside?

Cole- Of course, what do you want to play?

Gracie- Tag! You're it!

She said as she tagged him before running past him. She ran out of the trailer and started running around as Cole chased her, but then he caught up to her and grabbed her before throwing her into the air. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck as she fell back into his arms, then she pulled away and looked at him.

Gracie- Okay, I'm it now! You have to run! (giggles)

He placed her down and jogged away as she began to run after him. Together the two of them played for a while, but as they were finally sitting down and resting, Lili had gotten back from filming. She walked into their trailer and saw Cole laying on the couch with Gracie curled into his arms. And instantly Lili looked at the two and smiled.

Lili- You two look exhausted. (giggles)

Cole- Oh we are. (chuckles)

Gracie- Cole took me to get ice cream and then we played for a while...but I'm really sleepy. (yawns)

Lili- I can tell...we'll be able to go home soon, Cole and I just have one more scene to film together.

Gracie- So will I not be staying with you?

Lili- No, but our friend Cami offered to stay with you. She's so sweet and is so excited to officially meet you.

Gracie nodded while still hugging Cole tightly. Then there was a knock on the door.

Cami- Hey Lil's!

Lili- Thank you so much for offering to watch Gracie.

Cami- Of course, I'm excited to get to know her! Where is the little angel?

Lili smiled and pointed behind her towards the small couch, where Cole was still holding Gracie in his arms. The little girl was half asleep with her arms still around Cole but then he sat up slowly, pulling her up with him.

Cole- Hey Cami.

Cami- Aww hey! You guys are so cute!

He chuckled while Gracie rubbed her eyes, then she turned around to face her mother and Cami.

Gracie- Mommy, do you and Cole really have to go?

Lili- (nods) In a few minutes.

Gracie nodded sadly while she continued to hold onto Cole, but then Cami walked over and knelt in front of her.

Cami- Gracie, hi! I know you're a little nervous for mommy and Cole to leave, and I know you've had a rough past but I'm here to keep you safe, I promise.

Gracie looked up at the woman and nodded while staying in Cole's lap. But after a minute, he and Lili had to leave. Gracie hugged them both tightly, still not wanting them to leave, but as they walked out, Gracie curled into the corner of the trailer. Cami sighed and walked over to her before sitting down next to her.

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