Part 28

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Cole carried Gracie as they walked back to their trailer, and as soon as they walked in Gracie lifted her head to look at Cole.

Gracie- Cole...I'm sleepy. (softly)

Cole- I know sweetie, do you want to take a nap?

She nodded and wrapped her arms back around his neck, making him smile, then he placed her down on the couch and wrapped her in a blanket. But as he started to walk to the other side of the room, Gracie jumped up.

Gracie- Cole! Don't go! Please stay here. (softly)

Cole- I won't, sweetie, I won't.

He went back over to her and sat next to her, but she got up with her blanket and crawled into Cole's lap. She laid her head against his chest while wrapping her legs around his torso. Then he kissed the top of her head softly.

Cole- Get some rest, hun. I'll be right here the whole time.

She nodded and shut her eyes, falling asleep within a few minutes. Cole carefully moved to pull his phone out of his pocket, not wanting to wake the sleeping child, but he needed to answer some emails so he did some work on his phone until he heard a knock on the door. He looked down at Gracie to see that she was still fast asleep so he gently placed her down on the couch before walking over and opening the door.

Cole- Kj, what's up man?

Kj- Not much, I was just checking are things with Lili and the kid?

Cole- Good! Lili has been a little stressed but Gracie is an angel.

Kj- Good,, um, that's not the only reason why I'm here, I actually need to ask you a few questions.

Cole- Okay, what about?

Kj- Um, well, you see, there's this girl-

Cole- (chuckles) Okay, this is going to be a long talk, come inside.

Kj rubbed his hand across the back of his neck while walking inside the trailer, then he and Cole sat and talked for a while. But suddenly Gracie has started tossing and turning in her sleep, making both Cole and Kj stop talking.

Gracie- S-Stop... (tears)

Cole- Gracie...

Cole placed his hand on her arm to try to calm her down but she only slapped him away and began crying harder.

Gracie- N-No, don't do it! (cries)

Cole- Gracie, baby, please wake up!

She continued to cry as she tossed and turned, but then Cole came above her and held her down to try to get her to relax. That's when her eyes opened. Cole thought that once she would've opened her eyes she would calm down, but he was clearly mistaken. The little girl kicked and cried to get him away from her, and once he had, she jumped up and ran to the corner of the trailer. Kj and Cole both got up, making her scream so the two looked at each other.

Kj- I think I'm freaking her out more...I'm going to go.

Cole- (nods) We can talk more later.

He nodded and left, but then Cole walked over and knelt down in front of her.

Gracie- Please don't do it! (cries)

Cole- Don't do what, baby?

Gracie- Don't touch me down there! (cries)

Cole- Down where?

She pointed down to her private area as her legs were crossed tightly.

Cole- Gracie, who touched you there?!

Gracie- C-Carl... (cries)

Cole- D-Do you remember what he did?

Gracie- He put his private part in hurt, I didn't like it. (cries)

Cole- Shh, I know, baby, I know.

He said as he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. She cried into his chest as he rubbed her back and kissed her head softly.

Cole- No one will ever do that to you again, baby. I promise.

She nodded, but continued to sob into his chest, making his heart hurt for her. He stood up and carried her back over to the couch...but she stayed glued to him.

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