Part 33

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Cole- So, my girls, what would you like to do today?

Gracie- Play!!!

Lili- (giggles) We will, babe...but do you want to go somewhere?

Gracie shrugged as she shoved more of the pancake into her mouth.

Cole- Well, there's a new trampoline park that opened a few minutes away from here, do you think that would be fun?

Gracie- Trampoline?! I've never been on one before! I've read about them though! Can we go mommy? Please?!

Lili- Yes, we can go in a little bit. Let's finish breakfast first.

Gracie smiled and nodded, devouring the rest of her pancakes before climbing into her mothers lap.

Gracie- Can we go now?!

Lili- (giggles) We can go soon. Why don't you go get dressed while Cole and I clean the dishes, then we can go.

Gracie- Okay!

She got up and ran down the hall to her bedroom, making Cole and Lili laugh before they got up to do all of the dishes.

Cole- Lil's, I can do the dishes if you want to go get dressed?

Lili- You're always doing the dishes, let me do it this time,

She put everything in the sink and started cleaning them off before Cole came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach.

Lili- (giggles) What are you doing?

Cole- If you're not going to let me help, I'm going to hold you while you do the dishes.

Lili- (smiles) That's fine with me.

She leaned her head back into his chest as she continued to wipe the food off of the plates. Cole began to rock them back and forth slightly, making Lili laugh before she put all of the dishes in the dishwasher. Then she turned around and wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's neck. She pulled herself up onto her toes and kissed him softly, but then they heard Gracie running to them.

Gracie- Mommy!!!

Gracie stopped in front of them, smiling, before jumping up and down.

Gracie- Can we go yet?!

Lili- Once Cole and I get dressed, we can go.

She ran over to Lili and Cole, grabbing their hands before attempting to pull them towards their bedroom, but she was too little.

Gracie- Come on, you have to get ready.

Lili- We will baby, we will. (laughs)

Gracie sighed and let go of their hands but then Cole pulled her up into his arms and ran with her down the hall, tossing her on to the bed.

Gracie- Do it again, do it again! (giggles)

Cole smiled and picked her back up before tossing her once again, then Lili walked in and shook her head.

Lili- Cole, what are you doing to my baby? (giggles)

Cole- Hey, she asked me to do it! (laughs)

Lili shook her head and laughed as her daughter was smiling, curled into the bed.

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